## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("BAnOCC") ## ----load, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------- library(banocc) ## ----run-banocc-help, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------- # ?run_banocc # ?get_banocc_output ## ----rerun, cache=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- rerun <- 0 ## ----basic-run-banocc, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- Sys.setenv("PKG_CXXFLAGS"="-std=c++11") data(compositions_null) compiled_banocc_model <- rstan::stan_model(model_code = banocc::banocc_model) b_fit <- banocc::run_banocc(C = compositions_null, compiled_banocc_model=compiled_banocc_model) b_output <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit) ## ----input-hyperparameters, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- Sys.setenv("PKG_CXXFLAGS"="-std=c++11") p <- ncol(compositions_null) b_fit_hp <- banocc::run_banocc(C = compositions_null, compiled_banocc_model = compiled_banocc_model, n = rep(0, p), L = 10 * diag(p), a = 0.5, b = 0.01) ## ----sampling-sampling, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- b_fit_sampling <- banocc::run_banocc(C = compositions_null, compiled_banocc_model = compiled_banocc_model, chains = 2, iter = 11, warmup = 5, thin = 2) ## ----sampling-cores, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # # This code is not run # b_fit_cores <- banocc::run_banocc(C = compositions_null, # compiled_banocc_model = compiled_banocc_model, # chains = 2, # cores = 2) ## ----sampling-init, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- init <- list(list(m = rep(0, p), O = diag(p), lambda = 0.02), list(m = runif(p), O = 10 * diag(p), lambda = runif(1, 0.1, 2))) b_fit_init <- banocc::run_banocc(C = compositions_null, compiled_banocc_model = compiled_banocc_model, chains = 2, init = init) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # ?stan ## ----output-ci, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- # Get 90% credible intervals b_out_90 <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit, conf_alpha = 0.1) # Get 99% credible intervals b_out_99 <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit, conf_alpha = 0.01) ## ----eval-convergence, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- # Default is to evaluate convergence b_out_ec <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit) # This can be turned off using `eval_convergence` b_out_nec <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit, eval_convergence = FALSE) ## ----show-eval-convergence, eval=TRUE------------------------------------ # Iterations are too few, so estimates are missing b_out_ec$Estimates.median # Convergence was not evaluated, so estimates are not missing b_out_nec$Estimates.median ## ----output-extra, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson=c('rerun'), results="hide"---- # Get the smallest credible interval width that includes zero b_out_min_width <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit, get_min_width = TRUE) # Get the scaled neighborhood criterion b_out_snc <- banocc::get_banocc_output(banoccfit=b_fit, calc_snc = TRUE) ## ----traceplot, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE------------------------------------ # The inverse covariances of feature 1 with all other features rstan::traceplot(b_fit$Fit, pars=paste0("O[1,", 2:9, "]")) ## ----traceplot-warmup, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE----------------------------- # The inverse covariances of feature 1 with all other features, including warmup rstan::traceplot(b_fit$Fit, pars=paste0("O[1,", 2:9, "]"), inc_warmup=TRUE) ## ----Rhat, eval=TRUE, cache=TRUE----------------------------------------- # This returns a named vector with the Rhat values for all parameters rhat_all <- rstan::summary(b_fit$Fit)$summary[, "Rhat"] # To see the Rhat values for the inverse covariances of feature 1 rhat_all[paste0("O[1,", 2:9, "]")] ## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # # The above plot is from Dropbox/hutlab/Emma/paper1/writeup/figures/supplemental/lambbda_behavior.png ## ----model, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # # This code is not run # cat(banocc::banocc_model)