## ----label= 'Load a sample dataset', eval=TRUE----------------------------- library(RTN) data(dt4rtn) ## ----label='Create a new TNI object', eval=TRUE, results='hide'------------ #Input 1: 'expData', a named gene expression matrix (samples on cols) #Input 2: 'regulatoryElements', a named vector with TF ids #Input 3: 'rowAnnotation', an optional data frame with gene annotation tfs <- dt4rtn$tfs[c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2")] rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=dt4rtn$gexp, regulatoryElements=tfs, rowAnnotation=dt4rtn$gexpIDs) ## ----label='Permutation', eval=TRUE, results='hide'------------------------ rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, verbose = FALSE) ## ----label='Bootstrap', eval=TRUE, results='hide'-------------------------- rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) ## ----label='Run DPI filter', eval=TRUE, results='hide'--------------------- rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) ## ----label='Check summary', eval=TRUE, results='hide'---------------------- tni.get(rtni, what="summary") refnet <- tni.get(rtni, what="refnet") tnet <- tni.get(rtni, what="tnet") ## ----label='Get graph', eval=TRUE------------------------------------------ g <- tni.graph(rtni) ## ----label='Create a new TNA object (preprocess TNI-to-TNA)', eval=TRUE, results='hide'---- #Input 1: 'object', a TNI object with a pre-processed transcripional network #Input 2: 'phenotype', a named numeric vector, usually with log2 differential expression values #Input 3: 'hits', a character vector of gene ids considered as hits #Input 4: 'phenoIDs', an optional data frame with anottation used to aggregate genes in the phenotype rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(object=rtni, phenotype=dt4rtn$pheno, hits=dt4rtn$hits, phenoIDs=dt4rtn$phenoIDs ) ## ----label='Run MRA analysis pipeline', eval=TRUE, results='hide'---------- rtna <- tna.mra(rtna) ## ----label='Run overlap analysis pipeline', eval=TRUE, results='hide'------ rtna <- tna.overlap(rtna) ## ----label='Run GSEA analysis pipeline pt. 1', eval=TRUE, results='hide'---- rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna, stepFilter=FALSE, nPermutations=100) # ps. default 'nPermutations' is 1000. ## ----label='Run GSEA analysis pipeline pt. 2', eval=TRUE, results='hide'---- rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna, tfs="PTTG1", nPermutations=100) # ps. default 'nPermutations' is 1000. ## ----label='Get results', eval=TRUE, results='hide'------------------------ tna.get(rtna, what="summary") tna.get(rtna, what="mra") tna.get(rtna, what="overlap") tna.get(rtna, what="gsea1") tna.get(rtna, what="gsea2") ## ----label='Plot GSEA', eval=FALSE, results='hide'------------------------- # tna.plot.gsea1(rtna, file="tna_gsea1", labPheno="abs(log2) diff. expression") # tna.plot.gsea2(rtna, file="tna_gsea2", labPheno="log2 diff. expression") ## ----label='Session information', eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------- sessionInfo()