--- title: "Sequence Analysis with OmaDB" author: "Klara Kaleb" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Sequence Mapping with OmaDB} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- One useful function of the roma package is its functionality to exactly and partially match sequences. We will explore this further in this vignette. Let's say we have a sequence of interest that we want to map, in this case: "MNDPSLLGYPNVGPQQQQQQQQQQHAGLLGKGTPNALQQQLHMNQLTGIPPPGLMNNSDVHTSSNNNSRQLLDQLANGNANMLNMNMDNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGSGVMMNASTAAVNSIGMVPTVGTPVNINVNASNPLLHPHLDDPSLLNNPIWKLQLHLAAVSAQSLGQPNIYARQNAMKKYLATQQAQQAQQQAQQQAQQQVPGPFGPGPQAAPPALQPTDFQQSHIAEASKSLVDCTKQALMEMADTLTDSKTAKKQQPTGDSTPSGTATNSAVSTPLTPKIELFANGKDEANQALLQHKKLSQYSIDEDDDIENRMVMPKDSKYDDQLWHALDLSNLQIFNISANIFKYDFLTRLYLNGNSLTELPAEIKNLSNLRVLDLSHNRLTSLPAELGSCFQLKYFYFFDNMVTTLPWEFGNLCNLQFLGVEGNPLEKQFLKILTEKSVTGLIFYLRDNRPEIPLPHER" We can pass it to the mapSequence() function which returns a list of targets. From this list we can then construct roma protein objects for which we can obtain further infromation - such as its oma group or its domains. The example response object is below. ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(OmaDB) load('../data/sequence_map.rda') getObjectAttributes(sequence_map) targets = getAttribute(sequence_map,'targets') length(targets) protein = targets[[1]][['entry_url']] ``` One can also directly obtain GO annotations for a given query sequence, which results in an object as below: ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} load('../data/sequence_annotation.rda') sequence_annotation ```