changelog version 1.15.3 - Fixed typo in vignette version 1.15.1 - Updated description file version 1.11.3 - Fixed duplicated commits - Adopted to new default setting of maxgap in findOverlaps - Minor formatting improvements version 1.11.2 - Support for passing on several environmental variables in moduleload version 1.11.1 - Fixed gene set naming problem in GOCluster_Report version 1.9.2 - Added make_bam argument to runCommandline version 1.7.0 - 1.9.1 - vignette updates version 1.5.8 - 1.5.9 - bugfix in seeFastqPlot caused by recent change in ggplot2 - fix in fstats component of seeFastq version 1.5.6 - 1.5.7 - vignette updates version 1.5.5 - fixed extendylim in plotfeatureCoverage() - fixed error in featureCoverage when txdb/grl was created from gff with scaffolds not containing any genes version 1.5.0 - 1.5.4 - doc updates - git mirror setup - fixed genFeatures for txdb instance from makeTxDbFromUCSC() - fixed genFeatures for empty range sets version 1.3.44 - 1.3.50 - added predORF - added scaleRanges - optimized performance of scaleRanges - vignette updates - translational efficiency modeling with DESeq2 version 1.3.35 - 1.3.43 - added featureCoverage and plotfeatureCoverage - vignette updates version 1.3.31 - 1.3.35 - added Ribo-Seq function: genFeature - added Ribo-Seq functions: featuretypeCounts and plotfeaturetypeCounts version 1.3.23 - 1.3.30 - vignette updates - updated ChIP-Seq workflow version 1.3.21 - 1.3.22 - added writeTargetsRef and mergeBamByFactor version 1.3.17 - 1.3.10 - Converted main vignette to R Markdown - Instructions to download sample data via systemPipeRdata - Fix for missing systemPipeRdata on build system - Fix to get correct name of HTML page on Bioc page version 1.3.16 - Fixed minor bug in runCommandline version 1.3.14 - 1.3.15 - Fixed PE support in preprocessReads version 1.3.13 - Included gsnap and VariantTools examples in vignette version 1.3.8 - 1.3.12 - vignette updates version 1.3.7 - added sample Makefile version 1.3.4 - 1.3.6 - vignette updates version 1.3.3 - updated readComp - corrected typo for systemArgs when NULL is assigned to sysma version 1.3.2 - fixed path to BatchJob's log file location when symbolic links are used version 1.1.16 - added functions for variant filtering and annotation version 1.1.15 - support for GATK and BCFtools version 1.1.12-1.1.14 - vignette/man updates version 1.1.11 - added DESeq2 support version 1.1.9-1.1.10 - vignette/man updates version 1.1.8 - added preprocessReads function version 1.1.7 - support for R-based software generating input/output files - support for pipelines with several system command steps version 1.1.6 - added new *.param files version 1.1.5 - vignette updates version 1.1.4 - updated vennPlot version 1.1.3 - added functions: overLapper, vennPlot and olBarplot - eliminated warning in seeFastq version 1.1.2 - documentation update version 0.99.0 - 1.1.1 - initial version on Bioconductor