Changes in version 1.20.1: o Url corrections for new website file structure. Changes in version 1.5.2: o Updated file to be consistent with Bioconductor version numbering. Also fixed a rare bug that gave an error if every residue aligned between mutational and positional data. Changes in version 1.1.3: o COSMIC changed it's display of FASTA sequences. Examples changed to work with the Uniprot Site. Changes in version 1.1.2: o Included get.Remapped.Order() function that displays the reshuffled amino acids after culling. o Set the "AtomCount" column label to display "Can.Count" when the get.Positions function is called to be consistent with the get.AlignedPositions function. o Included a "Plot.Protein.Linear" function that helps visualize the protein rearrangements. o You can now specify the title of your choice to the "Plot.Protein.Linear" function. Changes in version 0.3.0: o First release of the iPAC package. o ClusterFind method allows the use of MDS and linear mappers. o Two beta methods available to reconcile data between the COSMIC and PDB databases.