Changes in version 1.23.4 ------------------------- - Update README to use BiocManager <2018-09-03 Mon> Changes in version 1.23.3 ------------------------- - Use BiocManager for installation <2018-07-19 Thu> Changes in version 1.23.2 ------------------------- - Rename 16.1 objects <2018-05-23 Wed> Changes in version 1.23.1 ------------------------- - New Bioconductor devel - Update to HPA version 18 Changes in version 1.22.0 ------------------------- - New Bioconductor release Changes in version 1.21.1 ------------------------- - use html_document (rather that deprecated html_document2) <2018-01-19 Fri> Changes in version 1.19.1 ------------------------- - Re-generate data sets from scripts/getHpaData.R, as discrepancies with the data downloaded form the hpa site were documented by Martin Bush <2017-07-19 Wed> Changes in version 1.19.0 ------------------------- - new Bioconductor devel Changes in version 1.18.0 ------------------------- - new Bioconductor release Changes in version 1.17.2 ------------------------- - Update to HPA version 16.1 (2017.01.31) <2017-02-14 Tue> Changes in version 1.17.1 ------------------------- - Using travis and codecov <2016-12-22 Thu> - Migrate vignette to BiocStyle's html2 <2016-12-22 Thu> Changes in version 1.17.0 ------------------------- - Bioconductor devel 3.5 Changes in version 1.16.0 ------------------------- - Bioconductor release 3.4 Changes in version 1.15.3 ------------------------- - Updating to HPA version 15, with new datasets <2016-09-14 Wed> Changes in version 1.15.2 ------------------------- - Version bump to trigger package rebuilding now that purl()'ing issue has been correctly identified. knitr does not create purl()'ed (Stangle equivalent) .R files if _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ is set, which the build system was setting. Now it's not set, so these .R files are now created. See for more. r117512 | d.tenenbaum | 2016-05-15 21:14:22 +0100 (Sun, 15 May 2016) | 6 lines Changes in version 1.15.1 ------------------------- - Bump version of all packages that use knitr for vignettes. This is because of an issue (now fixed) in knitr which failed to create purl()'ed R files from vignette sources and include them in the package. This version bump will cause these packages to propagate with those R files included. r117081 | d.tenenbaum | 2016-05-03 22:30:44 +0100 (Tue, 03 May 2016) | 2 lines Changes in version 1.15.0 ------------------------- - Bioc version 3.3 Changes in version 1.13.0 ------------------------- - Bioc version 3.1 Changes in version 1.11.1 ------------------------- - unit tests <2015-06-30 Tue> Changes in version 1.11.0 ------------------------- - Bio version 3.2 (devel) Changes in version 1.10.0 ------------------------- - Bio version 3.1 (release) Changes in version 1.9.1 ------------------------ - Updated to HPA version 13 <2014-11-15 Sat> - Use BiocStyle for vignette <2014-11-15 Sat> Changes in version 1.3.1 ------------------------ - Updated to HPA version 11 <2013-04-11 Thu> Changes in version 1.3.0 ------------------------ - Bioc 2.13 devel version bump Changes in version 1.2.0 ------------------------ - Bioc 2.12 stable version bump Changes in version 1.1.2 ------------------------ - Vignette update for knitr 1.0 compatibility, thanks Dan! <2013-01-15 Tue> Changes in version 1.1.1 ------------------------ - fixing vignette <2012-10-02 Tue> Changes in version 1.1.0 ------------------------ - version bump for new devel <2012-10-01 Mon> Changes in version 0.99.1 ------------------------- - Added collate field <2012-09-14 Fri> - Updated to HPA version 10 <2012-09-15 Sat> - Updated installation part in section to use biocLite <2012-09-15 Sat> Changes in version 0.99.0 ------------------------- - Added vignette <2012-09-06 Thu> Changes in version 0.1.0 ------------------------ - Initial commit <2012-09-06 Thu>