Changes in version 1.6.0: o Restructured the CyData class for simplicity and internal fields. o Deprecated plotCell* functions, renamed them to plotSphere*. o Added the createColorBar() convenience function. o Removed the diffIntDist() function. o Restored option for quantile normalization in normalizeBatch(). Switched to deterministic algorithm for sampling when mode="warp". Changes in version 1.4.0: o Bug fix to interpreSpheres() when making additional plots. o Switched to custom colour calculation in plotCellIntensity(). Changes in version 1.2.0: o Added labelSpheres() function for labelling unannotated hyperspheres. o Exported multiIntHist() for plotting multiple intensity histograms. o Slight fix to spatialFDR(), which now computes the correct n-th nearest neighbour. Changes in version 1.0.0: o New package cydar, for detecting differential abundance in mass cytometry data.