CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------ o Fixed vignette indices CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 ------------------------ o Added full vignette on the zebrafish dataset o Small modifications to the Mus musculus vignette CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 ------------------------ o Added a full vignette showing a case study on Mus musculus o Functions `getCom` and `getGraph` are exported now o Added `DT` and other packages to `suggests` o Small fixes for `BiocCheck` CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 ------------------------ o Version 1.1.2 did not skip such test CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 ------------------------ o Disabled `buildGraphFromKEGGREST` test in 32-bit Windows due to its memory usage CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.6 ------------------------ o Small corrections in vignette o Removed `rm` calls CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.5 ------------------------ o Small correction in vignette o Version bump to see if bioc build is bugged CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 ------------------------ o Moved contents of `` to NEWS o Deleted most of `data-raw` folder, moved the rest to `inst/script` o Removed redundant `Authors` field in DESCRIPTION o Removed `class(data) != "FELLA.DATA"` by using built-in `is.FELLA.DATA` CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.3 ------------------------ o Version bump (biomaRt down?) CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 ------------------------ o Fixed more doc links CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------ o Fixed doc links (hopefully) o Updated funding in vignette o Travis will only test the devel branch CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------ o Submission to Bioconductor CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.14 ------------------------ o Small bugs CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.13 ------------------------ o Small bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.12 ------------------------ o Small bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.11 ------------------------ o Fixed calls to `sapply` and `1:n` CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.10 ------------------------ o Adding GO CC is now in `dontrun`, takes too long (12s) CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.9 ------------------------ o Fixed vignette: converted pdf images to eps and added them CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.8 ------------------------ o Removed `broser()` calls o Removed some commented code o Expanded doc on `launchApp` o Removed the old gone report functionality in the app (might bring it back eventually) o Added captures of the graphical interface to the main vignette CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.7 ------------------------ o Slight changes in vignette (affiliations) o Fixed `generateEnzymesTable`: now it can also add the GO terms inside each enzyme o Modified `addGOToGraph`: now it will add only the GO labels, without similarity score, provided that `GOterm = NULL` o Improved doc in result exports: `generateResultsTable`, `generateEnzymesTable`, `generateResultsGraph`, `addGOToGraph` and `plotGraph`. - Merged all the doc - Added references - Expanded details CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.6 ------------------------ o Improved doc in enrichment techniques: - Merged 5 functions: `defineCompounds`, `runHypergeom`, `runDiffusion`, `runPagerank`, `enrich` - Expanded details: formulation, how to compute scores, null model - Added references - Centralised examples o References are now in template files CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.5 ------------------------ o Improved doc in `FELLA.DATA` object creation - Fused 3 functions - Added references - Expanded details CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.4 ------------------------ o Added progress bars to shiny app for: - Loading database - Enriching - Adding GO similarity o Added simple legend for GO similarity CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.3 ------------------------ o Added `CITATION` file o Added some cites to doc CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.2 ------------------------ o Shiny app - Fixed bug: table not showing up - Documentation has been improved - Fixed bug: empty network led to error - Now exporting a network takes into account `thresholdConnectedComponent` as well (it did not until now) - Modified logo size and title CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.1 ------------------------ o Small modifications on Travis and `is-.R` CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.0 ------------------------ o Fixed bibliography in vignette o Fixed missing table in vignette o Changed mechanisms when handling existing directories. Now the writing is stopped instead of overwriting and the automatic names are more meaningful. o New naming convention for databases. Meaningful names with creation date, organism and KEGG version. o Updated unit testing and argument checking accordingly CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.13 ------------------------ o Temporarily downgraded R dependency to version 4.3 o Bug on the `biomaRt` query was actually due to their package being outdated. Updating fixed it. o Small changes in functions (exports) to pass `check()` o Small fixes on Shiny App o Added vignette CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.12 ------------------------ o Travis modification CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.11 ------------------------ o Small changes on functions and DESCRIPTION CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.10 ------------------------ o Trying Travis CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.9 ------------------------ o Small changes in plotting functions CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.8 ------------------------ o Fixed the `FELLA.sample` file so that it contains the metadata o Added the `getInfo` function for getting the metabata, with corresponding unit testing o Fixed minor writing mistakes o `loadMatrix` can no longer be `"all"` o `AllArguments.R` now has `loadMatrix`, `databaseDir`, `internalDir` o Shiny app: - Fixed the database error when no database is present - Fixed table error when the graph was empty (e.g. hypergeom) - Adding a GO term is now functional again. Added several biomaRt/GO options. - GO term changes plot legend - Changes in the UI (text, new widgets for GO term) - GO example autofills all the new widgets CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.7 ------------------------ o Improved vignette text and added Bioconductor style o Added `BiocStyle` as a dependency To do: o General check of arguments and documentation o Quantitative input? o Elaborate on this vignette or build another one for publication CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.6 ------------------------ o Removed the infamous `splitByCC` part (from `checkArguments`, the conditional on the `plot` method and from the vignette) o Now the option is to filter out small CCs but still work with a single graph (`thresholdConnectedComponent` still exists). Therefore, function `generateResultsGraph` can only return a graph, being more intuitive. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.5 ------------------------ o Modified size p-value computation. Now it is more efficient and consistent CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.4 ------------------------ o Fused `checkArguments` into `AllArguments.R` o Deleted the generic `summary` as it is not necessary. Now the same can be achieved using `show` only, and this avoids method dispatch issues. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.3 ------------------------ o Added the `summary` method for `FELLA.DATA` objects o Fixed some dependencies in methods o Separated `mytriangle` in function `plotGraph` o Renamed functions (`is-.R`, `plotLegend.R`) o Updated sample data documentation CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.2 ------------------------ o Added doc template for the statistical normalisation o Removed p-values from table o Improved `generateResultsTable` function o Improved `runDiffusion` and `runPagerank` at the code level and avoided checking arguments CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.1 ------------------------ o Added accessor to `status` and substituted all the calls o Addition of GO terms works CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.0 ------------------------ o Removed some superfluous arguments: askplots, filename, BIMODAL o Aggregated `get-.R` and `list-.R` functions in single files o Cleaned part of: `AllMethods`, `exportResults`, `generate-` o Fixed unit testing o Fixed runnable examples o Fixed vignette o Rebuilt example data o Improved argument handling. `method` can no longer be `"all"` and handles a unique method now, but `methods` can pass a vector of methods instead o Passes `check()` and `BiocCheck(".")` CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.3 ------------------------ o Improved argument documentation (still work to do) o Fused individual dummy functions that contained the commented parameters o Added `list-()` functions o Removed `p.adjust` from diffusion and pagerank o Improved unit testing To do: o Fix documentation of changed functions o Try to better isolate functions (e.g. `plot` and `generateResultsGraph` do too many things at once...) o Quantitative input? o Delete repetitive code o Use `checkArguments` in main functions o Improve `AllMethods`: use accessors, clean code... CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.2 ------------------------ o Switched from `pValues` to `pScores` (except in `hypergeom`) CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.1 ------------------------ o Removed `rcytoscapejs` dependency CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.0 ------------------------ o Fixed vignette o Modifications to several functions, addressing: - Proper handling of GO labels - now can be used in many species - `addCellularComponentToGraph` is now `addGOToGraph` - New dependency: biomaRt - Plotting functions have been simplified, but still need work - Graph building has been improved o Shiny app: - Removed tabs, has only 4 now - Left only interactive plot - Table is now from `DT` To do: o Fix documentation of changed functions o Try to better isolate functions (e.g. `plot` and `generateResultsGraph` do too many things at once...) o Quantitative input? o Improve function documentation (use templates) to supress warnings o Change `rcytoscapejs` dependency to `visNetwork` (in CRAN) o What to do about the p-values? CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.6 ------------------------ o Fixed indentation o Fixed long lines o Added NEWS file o Fixed examples To do: o Vignette breaks, top priority o Quantitative input? o Improve function documentation (use templates) to supress warnings o Change `rcytoscapejs` dependency to `visNetwork` (in CRAN) o What to do about the p-values? CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.5 ------------------------ Some minor changes to accomodate Bioconductor's standards: o Update `R` version o Add `R` file to the `testthat` folder o Add GO biocView To do from Bioconductor: o Vignette breaks o Add NEWS file o Fix indentation o Fix long lines (<80) o Add runnable examples: - buildDataFromGraph - buildGraphFromKEGGREST - loadKEGGdata To do: o Quantitative input? o Improve function documentation (use templates) to supress warnings o Change `rcytoscapejs` dependency to `visNetwork` (in CRAN) CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.4 ------------------------ o Minor tweaks in the plotting function. Has more flexibility and can use `tkplot` as well (for image generation purposes), or force layout. This function should be really improved, it's not that hard... CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.3 ------------------------ o Fixed CREB website link o Added the option to specify the damping factor in pagerank o Changed default damping factor to 0.85 CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.2 ------------------------ o Fixed table export (`stringsAsFactors` was not disabled when creating the data.frame). o Added the function `generateEnzymesTable` to build a table with the EC numbers, along with the genes (entrez) within them and the associated GO labels ( o The shiny app exports tables with the full enzyme data and simply as a text gene list as well. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.1 ------------------------ The shiny app has been updated. o Now the rcytoscape part has clickable links. This is due to a change in the r-cytoscape.js ( package that changes the `href` node attribute to `tooltip`. o The colors and shapes have been updated as well, to be consistent with our notation. To do: o The labels of the nodes are not sorted by length. Short labels can be really weird... CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.0 ------------------------ Added the shiny app as a developer option. It requires the following packages: o shiny o DT o xtable o knitr o rcytoscapejs CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.999 ------------------------ + This is the first version of this package. It contains: o Basic enrichment functions: hypergeom, diffusion, pagerank o Null models: normal or Monte Carlo o Export options: to tables or graphs o Plotting capabilities o Possibility of custom background + Further versions should include interactive plots and applications for an easier usage