Changes in version 1.13.11 (2018-10-25) * implementation of further tests Changes in version 1.13.10 (2018-10-24) * test for the gdepoch function * simplification of code * performance improvements Changes in version 1.13.9 (2018-10-23) * test for the loss function * some simplifications Changes in version 1.13.8 (2018-10-22) * first implementation of tests with testthat * simplifications of the code Changes in version 1.13.7 (2018-10-10) * small bugfix Changes in version 1.13.6 (2018-10-05) * some minor issues with the calculation of p-values are fixed Changes in version 1.13.5 (2018-10-04) * checks for the validity of inputs added * some performance improvements Changes in version 1.13.4 (2018-10-02) * major performance improvement Changes in version 1.13.3 (2018-09-28) * usage of data.table for various functions for performance improvement * simplification of the source code Changes in version 1.13.2 (2018-09-27) * bug fixed that, where p-values couldn't be calculated for a gene with only missing values in a batch (#1) Changes in version 1.13.1 (2018-09-25) * BEclear uses now BiocParallel instead of snowfall for parallelisation * roxygen2 is now used for the generating the documentation * major code refactoring * some minor bug fixes * performance improvements