
		coseq VERSION 1.3.2

-- Added some clarification in the documentation of coseq, especially to
clarify that genes should be in rows and samples in columns.
-- Added some checks/warnings for “normal” vs “Normal”, applying transformations 
to profiles
-- Updated maintainer email 

		coseq VERSION 1.1.3

-- Corrected error causing failing test for compareARI function when a matrix 
of non-discrete and/or non-positive values was provided.
		coseq VERSION 0.99.8 - 0.99.12

-- Add Fietz et al. (2012) data to package
-- Add in K-means algorithm functionality and conditional probability
-- Add flexibility in graph options (output ggplot object from function, 
xlab, ylab, use_sample_names, optional facet labeling)
-- Updated vignette and citation info.

		coseq VERSION 0.99.5

-- Add unit tests, remove static vignette.
		coseq VERSION 0.99.1

-- Fairly significant changes to address Bioconductor reviewer comments. In
particular, the package now makes use of S4 classes and methods: a new S4 class,
coseqResults, has been created to extend the RangedSummarizedExperiment S4 class
from the SummarizedExperiment package.

		coseq VERSION 0.1.x - 0.99.0

-- Initial development version of coseq.