# Version 1.3.3

- Fixed examples in `expressionsTCGA` that broke after changes in dplyr, while moving to `tibble`s.

# Version 1.1.15

- New functions `heatmapTCGA`, `boxplotTCGA`, `kmTCGA`, `pcaTCGA`, `theme_RTCGA` for plotting [https://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/Visualizations.html](https://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/Visualizations.html)
- New functions `mutationsTCGA`, `expressionsTCGA`, `survivalTCGA` for data manipulations.
- New website [https://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/](https://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/)

# Version 1.1

- New parameter `allDataSets` for `downloadTCGA` that allows to download all files matching string in the `dataSet` parameter.
- New documentation page `?datasetsTCGA`.
- `readTCGA` has now new `method` for below files 
    - `RPPA` (reverse phase protein array), 
    - `mRNA` (Merge transcriptome agilent),
    - `miRNASeq`
    - `methylation` (methylation datasets)
- `datasetsTCGA` documentation has been extended with new datasets for `rppa` and `mrna`
- `downloadTCGA` now gives a warning when more than one file matches `dataSet` parameter, and downloads the first matched dataset without `FFPE` in the name. If all matching datasets have `FFPE` in the name then the first of them is downloaded.
- `checkTCGA` now downloads also sizes with datasets names when one specifies `what` parameter to `DatSets`.
- Updated tests for `checkTCGA`
- Added new `installTCGA` function that can install all packages from RTCGA family.
- Added new `convertTCGA` function that converts `data.frame`s from RTCGA family to Bioconductor classes.
- New examples in `readTCGA` function documentation concerning the following datasets:
    - `methylation`
    - `RPPA`
    - `mRNA`
    - `miRNASeq`
    - `isoforms`

# Version 1.0

- readTCGA
- infoTCGA
- checkTCGA
- downloadTCGA