### R code from vignette source 'ASpli.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: style ################################################### BiocStyle::latex() options(continue=" ") ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: installation (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## source("https://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ## biocLite("ASpli") ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: loadASpli (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(ASpli) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: makeTx (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(GenomicFeatures) ## TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF( ## file="genes.gtf", ## format="gtf") ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: binGenome (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(GenomicFeatures) ## annFile <- aspliExampleGTF() ## aTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(annFile) ## # extract features from annotation ## features <- binGenome( aTxDb ) ## # Accesors of ASpliFeatures object ## geneCoord <- featuresg( features ) ## binCoord <- featuresb( features ) ## junctionCoord <- featuresj( features ) ## # Extract metadata annotation, such as bins names, event and feature type ## binMetadata <- mcols( binCoord ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: binGenome (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # extract features and map symbols to genes ## symbols <- data.frame( row.names = genes( aTxDb ), ## symbol = paste( 'This is symbol of gene:', ## genes( aTxDb ) ) ) ## features <- binGenome( aTxDb, geneSymbols = symbols ) ## features ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: targetsDF ################################################### bamFiles <- c( "Ct1.bam", "Ct2.bam", "Mut1.bam","Mut2.bam" ) targets <- data.frame( row.names = c("CT_rep1","CT_rep2", "Mut_rep1", "Mut_rep2"), bam = bamFiles, genotype = c("CT","CT", "Mut", "Mut") , stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) targets ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: targetsDF2 ################################################### bamFiles <- c("Ct_time1_rep1.bam", "Ct_time1_rep2.bam", "Ct_time2_rep1.bam", "Ct_time2_rep2.bam", "Mut_time1_rep1.bam","Mut_time1_rep2.bam", "Mut_time2_rep1.bam","Mut_time2_rep2.bam") targets_2 <- data.frame( row.names = c( 'CT_t1_r1', 'CT_t1_r2', 'CT_t2_r1', 'CT_t2_r2', 'Mut_t1_r1', 'Mut_t1_r2', 'Mut_t2_r1', 'Mut_t2_r2' ), bam = bamFiles, genotype = c( 'CT', 'CT', 'CT', 'CT', 'MUT', 'MUT', 'MUT', 'MUT' ), time = c( 't1', 't1', 't2', 't2', 't1', 't1', 't2', 't2' ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) targets_2 ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: targetsDF2 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Show the name of each unique condition in the console ## getConditions( targets_2 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: loadBam (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## targets <- aspliTargetsExample() ## bam <- loadBAM(targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: readCounts (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## counts <- readCounts ( ## features, ## bam, ## targets, ## cores = 1, ## readLength = 100L, ## maxISize = 50000, ## minAnchor = NULL ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: readCountAccessors (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Accessing count and read density data ## GeneCounts <- countsg(counts) ## GeneRd <- rdsg(counts) ## ## BinCounts <- countsb(counts) ## BinRd <- rdsb(counts) ## ## JunctionCounts <- countsj(counts) ## ## # Export count data to text files ## writeCounts(counts=counts, output.dir = "example") ## writeRds(counts=counts, output.dir = "example") ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: readCountAccessors2 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Accessing counts for intron flanking regions ## e1iCounts <- countse1i(counts) ## ie2Counts <- countsie2(counts) ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: AsDiscover (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## as <- AsDiscover( counts, targets, features, bam, readLength=100L, ## threshold = 5) ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: writeAS (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Access result from an ASpliAS object ## irPIR <- irPIR( as ) ## altPSI <- altPSI( as ) ## esPSI <- esPSI( as ) ## junctionsPIR <- junctionsPIR( as ) ## junctionsPSI <- junctionsPSI( as ) ## allBins <- joint( as ) ## # Export results to files ## writeAS(as=as, output.dir="example") ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: export (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## contrast <- c( -1, 1 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: write (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- DUreport( counts, ## targets, ## minGenReads = 10, ## minBinReads = 5, ## minRds = 0.05, ## offset = FALSE, ## offsetAggregateMode = c( "geneMode", "binMode" )[2], ## offsetUseFitGeneX = TRUE, ## contrast = NULL, ## forceGLM = FALSE, ## ignoreExternal = TRUE, ## ignoreIo = FALSE, ## ignoreI = FALSE, ## filterWithConstrasted = FALSE, ## verbose = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: export (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- DUreportBinSplice( counts, ## targets, ## minGenReads = 10, ## minBinReads = 5, ## minRds = 0.05, ## contrast = NULL, ## forceGLM = FALSE, ## ignoreExternal = TRUE, ## ignoreIo = TRUE, ## ignoreI = FALSE, ## filterWithContrasted = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: export (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- junctionDUReport( counts, ## targets, ## appendTo = NULL, ## minGenReads = 10, ## minRds = 0.05, ## threshold = 5, ## offset = FALSE, ## offsetUseFitGeneX = TRUE, ## contrast = NULL, ## forceGLM = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 20: write (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## writeCounts(counts, "example_counts") ## writeDU(du, output.dir="example_du"); ## writeAS(as=as, output.dir="example_as"); ## writeAll(counts=counts, du=du, as=as, output.dir="example_all") ################################################### ### code chunk number 21: targetsPlot (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(GenomicFeatures) ## bamfiles <- system.file( 'extdata', ## c('A_C_0.bam', 'A_C_1.bam', 'A_C_2.bam', ## 'A_D_0.bam', 'A_D_1.bam', 'A_D_2.bam', ## 'B_C_0.bam', 'B_C_1.bam', 'B_C_2.bam', ## 'B_D_0.bam', 'B_D_1.bam', 'B_D_2.bam' ), ## package = "ASpli") ## ## targets <- data.frame( ## row.names = c( 'A_C_0', 'A_C_1', 'A_C_2', ## 'A_D_0', 'A_D_1', 'A_D_2', ## 'B_C_0', 'B_C_1', 'B_C_2', ## 'B_D_0', 'B_D_1', 'B_D_2' ), ## bam = bamfiles, ## f1 = rep( c('A','B'), each=6 ), ## f2 = rep( c('C','D'), 2, each=3 ), ## stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## ## genomeTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF( system.file( 'extdata', 'genes.mini.gtf', ## package='ASpli')) ## features <- binGenome( genomeTxDb ) ## ## # Draw a single plot on a window ## # xIsBin arguments is used to specify if names given are bins or genes. ## # When multiple names are given, all must correspond to bins or correspond to ## # genes. Mixed names are not allowed. ## ## plotGenomicRegions( features, 'GENE02:E002' , genomeTxDb, targets, ## xIsBin = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) ## ## # Draw a single plot on a window, with a custom layout ## plotGenomicRegions( features, 'GENE02:E002' , genomeTxDb, targets, xIsBin = ## TRUE, layout = matrix( c('A_C','A_D','B_C','B_D') ,nrow = 1 ), ## verbose = TRUE, color = '#AA8866') ## ## # Draw many plots on files. ## # Argument outfileType define the file format of the generated files. ## # Argument useTransparency specified that transparency can be used to draw the ## # plot. No all graphic devices support transparency. ## # Argument annotationHeight specifies the proportional height of the plot used ## # to draw the annotation. ## # Argument deviceOpt gives additional arguments (width and height in this ## # example) to the underlying graphic device (pdf in this example) ## # One of the plots generated here is shown in a figure below. ## plotGenomicRegions( features, c( 'GENE02:E002', 'GENE01:E002', 'GENE02:E003' ), ## genomeTxDb, targets, xIsBin = TRUE, outfolder = 'grplots', verbose = TRUE, ## color = '#334466', outfileType='pdf', useTransparency = TRUE, ## annotationHeight = 0.12, deviceOpt = c( width = 8, height = 6) ) ## ## # Draw a single plot on a window, with premerged bams ## mergedBams <- data.frame( ## row.names = c( 'A_C','A_D','B_C','B_D' ), ## bam = c( 'A_C.bam', # Warning, these files do not exists. ## 'A_D.bam', # Bam files should be indexed. ## 'B_C.bam', ## 'B_D.bam' )) ## plotGenomicRegions( features, 'GENE02:E002' , genomeTxDb, targets, ## xIsBin = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, preMergedBAMs = mergedBams ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 22: plotbins (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Defines an experiment with one experimental factor (genotype, with two ## # values: wild-type (WT) and mutant (MT) ), and three replicate samples for each ## # condition. ## targets <- data.frame( ## row.names = c( 'WT1', 'WT2', 'WT3', ## 'MT1', 'MT2', 'MT3' ), ## bam = c( 'WT1.bam', 'WT2.bam', 'WT3.bam', ## 'MT1.bam', 'MT2.bam', 'MT3.bam' ), ## genotype = c( 'WT','WT','WT','MT','MT','MT' ), ## stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## # Specifies what factors and values will be plotted, in this example all of ## # them. ## fv = list( genotype = c( 'WT', 'MT' ) ) ## plotbins( ## counts, ## as, ## 'GENE02:E002', ## factorsAndValues = fv, ## targets ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: plotbins (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Defines an experiment with two experimental factor (treat, with four ## # values: A, B, C and D; and time, with twelve values from T1 to T12.), and ## # two replicate samples for each condition. In the definition, many values are ## # not shown to reduce the space of the example, and are replaced by '...' . ## targets <- data.frame( ## row.names = c( 'A_T1.r1', 'A_T1.r2', ## 'A_T2.r1', 'A_T2.r2', ## ... , ## 'D_T12.r1', 'D_T12.r2' ), ## bam = c( 'A_T1.r1.bam', 'A_T1.r2.bam', ## 'A_T2.r1.bam', 'A_T2.r2.bam', ## 'D_T12.r1.bam', 'D_T12.r2.bam' ), ## treat = c( 'A', 'A', ## 'A', 'A', ## ... , ## 'D', 'D' ), ## time = c( 'T1', 'T1', ## 'T2', 'T2', ## ... , ## 'T12', 'T12' ), ## stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## # Draw the plots. ## plotbins( ## counts, ## as, ## 'GENE02:E002', ## factorsAndValues = fv, ## targets ) ## ## # Specifies what factors and values will be plotted. In this example there are ## # two factor, the first one in 'fv' list is the main factor, values will ## # be grouped by this factor. ## fv = list( time = c( 'T1', 'T2', ... , 'T12' ) , ## treat = c( 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ) ) ## # Draw the plots ## plotbins( ## counts, ## as, ## 'GENE02:E002', ## factorsAndValues = fv, ## targets ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 24: containsDUfunctions (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- aspliDUexample1() ## containsJunctions( du ) ## containsGenesAndBins( du ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 25: filterDU1 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Filter genes that changes at least a 50 percent their expression with a ## # FDR value of 0.05 or less, and bins changes at least a 50 percent their expression with a ## # FDR value of 0.05 ## du <- aspliDUexample1() ## duFilt <- filterDU(du, 'genes', '0.05', log(1.5,2)) ## duFilt <- filterDU(duFilt, 'bins', '0.1', log(1.5,2)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 26: filterDU2 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Filter genes that reduces their expression to the half ## du <- aspliDUexample1() ## duFilt <- filterDU( du, 'genes', '0.05', -1, absLogFC = FALSE, ## logFCgreater = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 27: subset (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Subset counts ## counts <- aspliCountsExample() ## countsSmall <- subset(counts, targets, select = c("A_C", "A_D") ) ## # Subset AS results. Note that PIR/PSI metrics are not recalculated. ## as <- aspliASexample() ## asSmall <- subset(as, targets, select = c("A_C_0", "A_C_1") ) ## # Subset targets ## targets <- aspliTargetsExample() ## targetsSmall <- subsetTargets( targets, c("A_C", "A_C") ) ## # Subset BAMs ## bams <- aspliBamsExample() ## bamSmall <- subsetBams( bams, targets, c("A_C", "A_C") ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 28: mergeBinDUAS (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- aspliDUexample1() ## as <- aspliASexample() ## mergeBinDUAS(du,as, targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 29: Ex01.a (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ## library( GenomicFeatures ) ## # gtfFileName contains the full path to the example gtf file in your system. ## gtfFileName <- aspliExampleGTF() ## ## # Create a TxDb object using makeTxDbFromGFF function from GenomicFeatures ## # package ## genomeTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF( gtfFileName ) ## ## # Extract the genomic features ## features <- binGenome( genomeTxDb ) ## ################################################### ### code chunk number 30: Ex01.b (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ## # bamFiles contains the full path of the bam files in your system ## bamFiles <- aspliExampleBamList( ) ## ## # Define the targets ## targets <- data.frame( ## row.names = paste0('Sample',c(1:12)), ## bam = bamFiles, ## f1 = c( 'A','A','A','A','A','A', ## 'B','B','B','B','B','B'), ## f2 = c( 'C','C','C','D','D','D', ## 'C','C','C','D','D','D'), ## stringsAsFactors = FALSE ## ) ## ## # Examinate the condition names ## getConditions(targets) ## ## # Load the bam files ## bams = loadBAM(targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 31: Ex01.c (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## counts <- readCounts( features, bams, targets, readLength = 100, ## maxISize = 5000 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 32: Ex01.d (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # DU/DE analysis for genes and bins. ## du <- DUreport( counts, targets, contrast = c( 1, -1, -1, 1 ) ) ## # DU analysis for junctions ## du <- junctionDUReport( counts, targets, appendTo = du, ## contrast = c( 1, -1, -1, 1 ) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 33: Ex01.e (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # AS analysis ## as <- AsDiscover( counts, targets, features, bams, readLength = 100) ################################################### ### code chunk number 34: Ex01.f (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Select top tags from DU ## topTagsBins <- filterDU( du, what = 'bins', fdr = 0.05, logFC = log(1.5,2) ) ## # DU results are merged with AS results ## topTagsBins <- mergeBinDUAS( du, as, targets, contrast = c( 1, -1, -1, 1 ) ) ## # We filter those top tags that have also junction evidence that supports the ## # differential usage, a change of at least 0.1 between observed and expected ## # in the PSI or PIR metric is required. ## topTagsBins <- topTagsBins[ abs(topTagsBins[,'delta' ]) > 0.10,] ################################################### ### code chunk number 35: Ex01.f (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## plotGenomicRegions( features,'GENE10:E002', genomeTxDb, targets ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 36: Ex02.a (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14) ################################################### ### code chunk number 37: Ex02.b (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## chr14 <- system.file("extdata","chr14.sqlite", package="ASpli") ## genome <- loadDb(chr14) ################################################### ### code chunk number 38: Ex02.c (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## features <- binGenome(genome) ################################################### ### code chunk number 39: Ex02.d (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## targets <- data.frame( ## bam = RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES, ## treat = c( "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", ## "KD", "KD", "KD", "KD" ), ## stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 40: Ex02.e (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## bam <- loadBAM(targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 41: Ex02.f (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## counts <- readCounts( features, bam, targets, readLength=100L, maxISize=50000 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 42: Ex02.g (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## du <- DUreport(counts, targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 43: Ex02.g (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## as <- AsDiscover (counts, targets, features, bam, readLength=100L, threshold = 5, cores = 1 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 44: Ex02.h (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## duFiltered <- filterDU( du, 'bins', fdr = 0.05, logFC = log(1.5,2) ) ## merged <- mergeBinDUAS( duFiltered, as, targets ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 45: Ex02.i (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## # Show the complete gene, with the bin hightlighted ## plotGenomicRegions( features, 'ZNF410:E013', genome, targets, verbose=TRUE, ## colors = matrix(c('#223344','#223344'), ncol=2 ), outfileType='pdf', outfolder='grplots') ## # Show a zoom in in the bin ## plotGenomicRegions( features, 'ZNF410:E013', genome, targets, verbose=TRUE, ## colors = matrix(c('#223344','#223344'), ncol=2 ), ## zoomOnBins = 0.05)