Changes in Version 0.99.10 (2017-10-23) ===================================== * Added AIC and BIC to decide number of factors * Added function to compute observational weights for DE Changes in Version 0.99.7 (2017-07-17) ===================================== * `zinbwave()` now returns a `SingleCellExperiment` object. Changes in Version 0.99.6 (2017-07-05) ===================================== * Fixed bug in zinb.loglik.matrix to avoid Inf values Changes in Version 0.99.5 (2017-07-03) ===================================== * Added function computeDevianceResiduals() to compute residuals * Added function imputeZeros() to use the model to impute technical zeros * Added function zinbwave() to perform dimensionality reduction * Changed vignette to illustrate new functions Changes in Version 0.99.4 (2017-06-08) ===================================== * Switch from parallel to BiocParallel * Improvements to code efficiency, e.g., avoid copying ZinbModel objects Changes in Version 0.99.3 (2017-05-31) ===================================== * More informative Description: field * Improved documentation * Added getAlpha, getBeta, and getGamma accessor functions * Improved show() method * Vectorized code in zinbSim() * Fixed bug that introduced an error when initializing an object with empty X or V * Added tests on numerical correctness Changes in Version 0.99.2 (2017-05-12) ===================================== * New formula interface for SummarizedExperiment * Add t-SNE example to vignette Changes in Version 0.99.0 (2017-05-09) ===================================== * Bumped version for submission to Bioconductor * Minor changes to compile vignette * Required R version 3.4 Changes in Version 0.1.4 (2017-04-10) ===================================== * Improved documentation * zinbSim now produces matrix of J x n dimension * Removed unnecessary dependency on clusterExperiment * Additional tests * Better default for epsilon Changes in Version 0.1.2 (2017-03-29) ===================================== * New vignette * Change name to zinbwave Changes in Version 0.1.0 (2016-09-23) ===================================== * Introducing S4 class zinbModel * Major restructuring of the initialization and optimization (see vignette) * Method zinbFit to fit a model * Many other methods, including zinbInitialize, zinbOptimize, zinbSim