CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.27 ------------------------- o Bioconductor minor build warning fix o Bug fix in somatic interactions plot. Issue: #135 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.26 ------------------------- o Bioconductor minor build warning fix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.26 ------------------------- o Bioconductor minor build warning fix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.25 ------------------------- o Fix messed up vignette for real o fix gistic plotting bug o bold font faces for plots o Corrects an issue wherein MAFtools accidentally renamed columns with names that contained a required column as a substring of their name. PR: #123 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.21 ------------------------- o Fix messed up vignette CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.20 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Bug fix in icgcSimpleMutationToMAF while converting ICGC maf to MAF object in. Issue: #105 o Bug fix in oncomatrix function which earlier failed drop missing factors as well as resulted in error with zero samples. Issue: #96 o Bug fix in mafCompare and forestPlot o Bug fix in mutSig file parsing. Issue: #120 IMPROVEMENTS o Add keepGeneOrder argument to coOncoplot. PR: #107 o Changed order of plots in plotmafSummary for better visualization o Improved axis thickness and other plotting paramters for better pub-ready visualization CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.15 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Set fixed seed value for extractSignature so that runs are reproducible. Issue: #101 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.10 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Bug fix in read.maf which caused error when MAF contained single sample. Issue: #91 o Bug fix in Oncoplot which caused plotting error while parsing mutsig results. Issue: #93 o Enhancement to oncoplot. Added arguments annotationFontSize and annotationTitleFontSize to control annotations. Issue: #94 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.05 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Bug fix in trinucleotideMatrix which caused error due to parsing of chromosome names in fasta file. Issue: #75 o Bug fix in plotApobecDiff which messed up the order of genes in bottom bar plot. Issue: #80 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.00 ------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS o plotApobecDiff - plots differences between APOBEC enriched and non APOBEC enriched samples o gisticOncoplot, gisticBubblePlot and gisticChromPlot to visualize GISTIC results o somaticInteractions - to identify mutually exclusive/co-occuring gene sets o genotypeMatrix - function to create genotype matrix o mutCountMatrix - generate count matrix SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT o Changes to MAF object: It now includes clinical data slot similar to PhenoData of expressionset objects. o Changes to MAF object: Silent variants will be stored seperately in MAF object and won't be mixed with non-syn variants. o Changes to MAF object: Oncomatrix is built on the fly whenever required, its no longer stored in MAF object. o You can specify a manual list of variant classifications to be considered as non-synonymous via argument vc_nonSyn in read.maf o Dropped mutExclusive function - Use somaticInteractions instead. o Many sorting options and plotting improvements to oncplots. o One can include q values from mutsig (or any similar program) as a side barplot in oncoplot o rainfallPlot can detect hyper mutated genomic segments via ChangePoint detection method o plotSignatures includes cosine similarity score and aetiology of detected signature o readGistic has argument cnLevel to choose deep or shallow CN variants o inferHeterogeneity includes MATH score in the plot o Tumor_Sample_Barcodes remains as is; earlier '-' were converted to '.' in sample names NON SIGNIFICANT CHANGES o mafCompare output includes adjusted p-values o trinucleotideMatrix output includes adjusted p-values for APOBEC enrichment o added plot arguments to control title size and point size in lollipopPlot BUG FIXES o Major bug fix in signature analysis o minor bug fixes in oncostrip