CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 -------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Ready for Bioc submission o Completed the news CHANGES IN VERSION 0.9.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added Instructions fully from rendered version of the vignette to have available at runtime o Added support for downloading all plots and tables CHANGES IN VERSION 0.9.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Interactive tours are covering now all tabs, with extensive walkthroughs for the user o Added all screenshots to vignette CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.2 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Interactive tours are now available, coded in external files o Travis-CI is now supported CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added MA plot with extra custom list to avoid manual selection of many genes o MA plot function now automatically supports subset of gene to be extra plotted o Added documentation with roxygen to all functions o Heatmap functions for genes annotated to a GO term as signature o Template report also provided o Full draft of vignette now available, working towards bioc submission o Added textual help to all sections, with collapsible element o Added proof of principle to have interactive tours based on rintrojs CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Gene box info added, based on rentrez o New look for MA plots and volcano plots CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Restructuring of the folders done, package can be correctly installed, loaded - namespace, description are set up CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Correct structure of the package CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Package created!