CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.2 NEW FEATURES (JRW, GBG) o added ability to auto-choose low variance high relative abundance features as the basis o added new class and generic definitions to get the features used as basis o the getDenom function can be exported o updated documentation for above o version bump CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES (TPQ) o rennovated aldex function o new 'test = iterative' uses results of one t-test as 'denom' input to a second o large improvements to function documentation o rennovated aldex.ttest function o "progress bar" tracks progress across Monte-Carlo instances o made aldex.ttest function faster (~300% for 10,000 features) o now uses Wilcox signed rank test when 'paired.test = TRUE' o added aldex.clr method for signature 'matrix' CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.2 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o added ability to choose the basis for the clr: all, iqlr, zero or user-defined. useful when dealing with asymmetric datasets (selex, metagenomics, meta-RNA-seq) o updated vignette to show how the basis affects the analysis o made BiocParallel the only parallel package for multicore processing o made zero-replacement a prior probability rather than a pseudocount CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o made aldex.clr into a class o allowed input of SummarizedExperiment object instead of a reads data frame o prioritized use of the BiocParallel package for multicore processing. If BiocParallel is not installed then the parallel package used, if neither packages are installed, then serial processing is used CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o changed conditional tests for multiprocessor use, defaults to FALSE CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o first submission to Bioc-devel