% \VignetteIndexEntry{HelloRanges Example Data} % \VignetteKeywords{data, ranges, bedtools} % \VignettePackage{HelloRanges} \documentclass[10pt]{article} <>= BiocStyle::latex2() @ \bioctitle[HelloRanges Data]{Data for the HelloRanges Tutorial} \author{Michael Lawrence\thanks{\email{michafla@gene.com}}\\Genentech} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \packageVersion{\Sexpr{BiocStyle::pkg_ver("HelloRangesData")}} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Overview} In support of the tutorial vignette for the \Biocpkg{HelloRanges} package, \Biocpkg{HelloRangesData} provides an experimental dataset on DnaseI hypersensitivity \cite{dataset}, as well as several annotation tracks downloaded from the UCSC genome browser. The files were made available as part of the \software{bedtools} tutorial (\url{http://quinlanlab.org/tutorials/bedtools/bedtools.html}) by Aaron Quinlan. The data are stored in files here: <>= dir(system.file("extdata", package="HelloRangesData")) @ There are 20 BED files from the DnaseI study, as well as BED files representing the CpG islands (\file{cpg.bed}), Refseq exons (\file{exons.bed}), disease-associated SNPs (\file{gwas.bed}), and functional annotations output by chromHMM given ENCODE human embrionic stem cell ChIP-seq data (\file{hesc.chromHmm.bed}). There is also a \file{hg19.genome} file indicating the chromosome lengths of the hg19 genome build. Please see the \Biocpkg{HelloRanges} vignette to learn how to work with these data with \Bioconductor{}. \bibliography{intro} \end{document}