## ----style-knitr, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis"------------------ BiocStyle::latex() ## ----setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE----------------------------------- library(knitr) # set global chunk options opts_knit$set(base.dir = '.') opts_chunk$set(fig.path='figure/minimal-', fig.align='center', fig.show='hold') options(replace.assign=TRUE,width=80) ## ----loaddata, cache=TRUE, warning=FALSE, tidy=TRUE, dependson='data_import'---- # Download NCBI GEO data with GEOquery library(knitr) rm(list = ls()) library(GEOquery) library(stringr) library(Rnits) gds <- getGEO('GSE4158', AnnotGPL = FALSE)[[1]] class(gds) gds # Extract non-replicate samples pdata <- pData(gds) filt <- pdata$characteristics_ch2 %in% names(which(table(pdata$characteristics_ch2) == 2)) gds <- gds[, filt] pdata <- pData(gds) time <- as.numeric(str_extract(pdata$characteristics_ch2, "\\d+")) sample <- rep("2g/l", length(time)) sample[grep("0.2g/l", gds[["title"]])] <- "0.2g/l" # Format phenotype data with time and sample information gds[["Time"]] <- time gds[["Sample"]] <- sample dat <- gds fData(dat)["Gene Symbol"] <- fData(dat)$ORF ## ----buildrnitsobj, tidy=TRUE, cache=TRUE, dependson='loaddata'---------- # Build rnits data object from formatted data (samples can be in any order) # and between-array normalization. rnitsobj = build.Rnits(dat[, sample(ncol(dat))], logscale = TRUE, normmethod = "Between") rnitsobj # Alternatively, we can also build the object from just a data matrix, by supplying the "probedata" and "phenodata" tables datdf <- exprs(dat) rownames(datdf) <- fData(dat)$ID probedata <- data.frame(ProbeID=fData(dat)$ID, GeneName=fData(dat)$ORF) phenodata <- pData(dat) rnitsobj = build.Rnits(datdf, probedata = probedata, phenodata = phenodata, logscale = TRUE, normmethod = 'Between') # Extract normalized expression values lr <- getLR(rnitsobj) head(lr) # Impute missing values using K-nn imputation lr <- getLR(rnitsobj, impute = TRUE) head(lr) ## ----fit_model, cache=TRUE, fig.keep='first', dependson='buildrnitsobj'---- # Fit model using gene-level summarization rnitsobj <- fit(rnitsobj, gene.level = TRUE, clusterallsamples = TRUE) ## ----fit_model_noclustering, eval=FALSE, dependson='buildrnitsobj'------- ## rnitsobj_nocl <- fit(rnitsobj, gene.level = TRUE, clusterallsamples = FALSE) ## ## opt_model <- calculateGCV(rnitsobj) ## rnitsobj_optmodel <- fit(rnitsobj, gene.level = TRUE, model = opt_model) ## ----modelsummary, cache=TRUE, dependson='fit_model', tidy=TRUE--------- # Get pvalues from fitted model pval <- getPval(rnitsobj) head(pval) # Get ratio statistics from fitted model stat <- getStat(rnitsobj) head(stat) # If clustering was used, check the cluster gene distribution table(getCID(rnitsobj)) # P-values, ratio statistics and cluster ID's can be retrieved for all genes together fitdata <- getFitModel(rnitsobj) head(fitdata) # View summary of top genes summary(rnitsobj, top = 10) # Extract data of top genes (5% FDR) td <- topData(rnitsobj, fdr = 5) head(td) ## ----plotresults, dependson='modelsummary', cache=TRUE, tidy=TRUE-------- # Plot top genes trajectories plotResults(rnitsobj, top = 16) ## ----sessionInfo--------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()