CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.2 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Added conversion from IUPAC string to matrix BUG FIXES o Fixed the seqLogo error when the frequency of each base is same at certain site. Thanks to Liz. o Fixed the database interface to deal with the duplicated/missing records for certain TFBS in JASPAR2016. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.2 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o New class TFFMFirst and TFFMDetail for next generation TFBSs. o Novel TFFM sequence logo. BUG FIXES o Fix the bug in runMEME, which always return positive strand for site sequence. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o searchSeq now works on DNAStringSet. The names in DNAStringSet will be used as seqname in SiteSet. o More user-friendly output in data.frame or GRanges from SiteSet, SiteSetList, et al. o reverseComplement works on XMatrix now. o faster implmentation of searchPairBSgenome