Updated to version 1.10.2 in the release and 1.11.2 in the development (11/10/2015) 11/10/2015 changed to selective import from data.table package to resolve the conflict regarding the shift function Updated to version 1.10.1 in the release and 1.11.1 in the development (17/09/2015) 15/05/2015 updated the vignette 15/05/2015 enabled changing xlim and ylim when plotting interquantile width distribution 13/05/2015 added mergeCAGEsets() function for merging two CAGEset objects 11/05/2015 defined 'as' method for coercing a data.frame into a CAGEset object Updated to version 1.11.0 (17/04/2015, Bioconductor 3.1 release) Updated to version 1.9.3 (06/02/2015) 06/02/2015 CAGEr package has now been published in NAR! If you find this package useful in your work, please cite: Haberle et al. (2015) CAGEr: precise TSS data retrieval and high-resolution promoterome mining for integrative analyses. Nucleic Acids Research 43(8):e51, doi:10.1093/nar/gkv054. Check citation(“CAGEr”) for more details. 13/01/2015 fixed the error message in tagClusters() function for the case no qLow and qUp values are specified Updated to version 1.9.2 (03/12/2014) 03/12/2014 updated the vignette - fixed the references Updated to version 1.9.1 (01/12/2014) 01/12/2014 fixed the bug in importing data from ENCODEprojectCAGE data package using importPublicData() function when importing from multiple datasets that contain groups with the same name Updated to version 1.9.0 (14/10/2014, Bioconductor 3.0 release) Updated to version 1.7.2 (01/06/2014) 01/06/2014 replaced the .RData files in the /data folder with the more compressed ones Updated to version 1.7.1 (30/05/2014) 30/05/2014 updated the vignette with the description of available public CAGE data resources and how to use them in CAGEr 25/05/2014 added a list of available human and mouse FANTOM5 samples as a dataset that can be loaded via call to data(FANTOM5humanSamples) or data(FANTOM5mouseSamples) 25/05/2014 modified the importPublicData() function so that it supports importing FANTOM5 data for human and mouse directly from FANTOM web resource, as well as data from several CAGE data packages 23/05/2014 optimized the creation of CTSS table across samples by performing merge on data.tables rather than data.frames - reading the data into CAGEset object from BAM or CTSS files is now ~10X faster Updated to version 1.7.0 (14/04/2014, Bioconductor 2.14 release) Updated to version 1.5.5 (01/04/2014) 13/02/2014 fixed bug in function for plotting interquantile width (in cases of multiple pairs of low and high quantiles present it was sometime fetching multiple columns and stopping with an error) 12/02/2014 fix typo in Details section of man page for exportToBed function 12/02/2014 fixed the bug in function for systematic correction of G addition bias (it was stopping with an error in a rare case when all reads beginning with a G and mapping to the genome are derived by trimming the G mismatch from upstream position) Updated to version 1.5.3 (10/11/2013) 08/11/2013 fixed the bug in importPublicData function that caused problems when importing only one sample 08/11/2013 fixed error in BibTex file Updated to version 1.5.2 (06/11/2013) 06/11/2013 updated vignette and NEWS file Updated to version 1.5.1 (02/11/2013) 02/11/2013 moved vignette source to /vignettes folder Updated to version 1.5.0 15/10/2013 Biodonductor 2.14. release Updated to version 1.3.10 in the development (24/09/2013) 24/09/2013 optimized calculation of K-S p-values for shifting promoters using vectorized functions 23/09/2013 removed a .C call to the pKS2 function from stats package and replaced it by an R implementation of pKS2 Updated to version 1.2.9 in the release and 1.3.9 in the development (23/08/2013) 23/08/2013 added consensusClustersTpm() function for retrieving matrix with tpm values for consensus clusters across all samples Updated to version 1.2.8 in the release and 1.3.8 in the development (23/08/2013) 22/08/2013 modified all functions to work on data from only one strand (some were previously giving error in such case) 21/08/2013 fixed the bug in calling CTSSs from reads on minus strand when not correcting for G addition, i.e. when removeFirstG=FALSE Updated to version 1.2.7 in the release and 1.3.7 in the development (08/08/2013) 08/08/2013 added new argument to aggregateTagClusters() function (excludeSignalBelowThreshold) that controls which TCs will contribute to the total CAGE signal of the consensus cluster - only the ones above the threshold that are used initially to set the boundaries of the consensus cluster, or all TCs that overlap the resulting consensus clusters 07/08/2013 enabled retrieving interquantile width for tag clusters - added new returnInterquantileWidth argument to tagClusters() function 06/07/2013 enabled importing entire CTSS table with multiple columns of tag counts representing multiple samples/experiments - allowed setting imputFilesType to "CTSStable" when creating CAGEset object and extended getCTSS function accordingly to read the entire table at once and fill the object Updated to version 1.2.6 in the release and 1.3.6 in the development (23/07/2013) 22/07/2013 replaced multicore package dependency with parallel package (suggested by Bioconductor core team) 21/07/2013 fixed the bug in using loaded genome when correcting for G nucleotide bias 20/07/2013 fixed plotReverseCumulatives to work with only one sample in the CAGEset 19/07/2013 changed naming of correlation plot files to distinguish CTSS from consensus clusters plot Updated to version 1.2.5 in the release and 1.3.5 in the development (28/06/2013) 28/06/2013 updated the vignette Updated to version 1.2.4 in the release and 1.3.4 in the development (16/06/2013) 16/06/2013 allowed plotting reverse cumulatives for normalized tag counts - added new argument to plotReverseCumulatives() function 15/06/2013 implemented calculating suggested referent power-law distribution and visualizing the distribution and its parameters on reverse cumulatives plot when calling plotReverseCumulatives() function 14/06/2013 allowed assigning user-specified colors to samples to be used in visualizations - added new setColors() function 13/06/2013 allowed plotting scatter plots and correlation for both individual TSSs (raw or normalized values) and consensus clusters - added new argument to plotCorrelation() function Updated to version 1.2.3. in the release and 1.3.3 in the development (12/06/2013) 12/06/2013 implemented plotting pairwise scatter plots of CAGE tag count and calculating correlation between samples - added new plotCorrelation() function Updated to version 1.2.2. in the release and 1.3.2 in the development (30/05/2013) 30/05/2013 implemented the algorithm for correcting 'G' nucleotide addition bias to CAGE tags described in Carninci et al., Nature Genetics 2006 - added a new option 'correctSystematicG' to getCTSS function Updated to version 1.2.1 in the release and 1.3.1 in the development (28/05/2013) 28/05/2013 fixed the bug in reporting number of CTSSs in cluster when clustering CTSSs using custom clusters (for empty clusters it was returning that the number of CTSSs is 1, although the signal is 0) 28/05/2013 fixed the bug in clustering CTSSs using custom clusters when run with multicore=FALSE (it was returning to many clusters - correct specified region but all of the regions on each chromosome, not only the specified one) 22/05/2013 fixed the column classes in CTSS data.frame when reading the data from bam files (to match the classes when reading from ctss files) 21/05/2013 updated the vignette with explanation on how to use custom build genomes 21/05/2013 allowed usage of custom build BSgenome packages by removing the check whether the specified genome is present in the available.genomes() from BSgenome package Updated to version 1.2.0 in the release and 1.3.0 in the development (02/05/2013) 02/05/2013 updated the vignette 02/05/2013 added a new feature in the plotReverseCumulatives function, so that the slope of the fitted power-law distribution in the user selected range of values is shown on the plot for each sample (helps to choose appropriate alpha parameter for normalization) 02/05/2013 fixed a bug in selecting the range of tag count values for fitting power-law distribution in normalization 01/05/2013 added sample labels as names to library sizes vector 29/04/2013 implemented statistical testing (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) for differential promoter usage based on cumulative sums of CAGE signal along the promoters (implemented within the scoreShift function) 20/04/2013 added pass-through option "none" for 'method' parameter in normalizeTagCount function to enable using raw tag counts in downstream steps (CTSS clustering, promoter width, etc.) 19/04/2013 optimized scoreShift function to extract and process only the cumulative sums for samples being compared 19/04/2013 replaced lapply with a for loop in the scoreShift function to avoid invoking multicore within lapply 18/04/2013 fixed wrong error message in plotExpressionProfiles function that notifies about accepted values for 'what' parameter 27/03/2013 added data.table to the list of dependencies and optimized various parts of the code to use data.table instead of data.frame