--- title: "Motif enrichment with background" abstract: > This tutorial shows how to use **RcisTarget** with background. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{RcisTarget - with background} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} output: html_document: toc: yes toc_float: yes number_sections: false pdf_document: toc: yes html_notebook: toc: yes --- ```{r libraries, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(RcisTarget) library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) library(DT) library(data.table) #require(visNetwork) }) ``` This tutorial requires RcisTarget >= 1.7.1. ```{r} packageVersion("RcisTarget") ``` ### 1. Select the gene/region set to analyze & the "background" ```{r} # Genes to analyze: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')),"hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneSets <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) # Background: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')),"randomGeneSet.txt", sep="/") # for the toy example we will use a few random genes background <- read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1] ``` The background should contain the target genes/regions. If for any reason that is not the case, you can **add** the target genes to the background, or **remove** the target genes missing from the background (depending on what makes more sense in your specific analysis). ```{r} # A: Add background <- unique(c(geneSets$hypoxia, background)) # B: Intersect # geneSets$hypoxia <- intersect(geneSets$hypoxia, background) ``` ```{r fig.height=3, fig.width=3} gplots::venn(list(background=background, geneLists=unlist(geneSets))) ``` ### 2. Create the background-ranking Select the appropriate ranking-database: ```{r eval=FALSE} dbPath <- "~/databases/hg19-500bp-upstream-10species.mc9nr.feather" ``` Load the database and re-rank the genes/motifs (e.g. only within the "background+foreground") ```{r eval=FALSE} library(RcisTarget) rankingsDb <- importRankings(dbPath, columns=background) bgRanking <- reRank(rankingsDb) ``` ### 3. Run RcisTarget with this new ranking Once the "background-ranking" is ready, just use it to run RcisTarget as usual: ```{r eval=FALSE} motifEnrichmentTable <- cisTarget(geneSets, bgRanking, aucMaxRank=0.03*getNumColsInDB(bgRanking)) ```