Changes in 1.5.3 + fix variable_meta assignment Changes in 1.5.2 + use ontology slots instead of STATO Changes in 1.1.2 + improved 'show' output for objects + allow ANY for entities Changes in 1.1.1 + added citations slot to struct classes + added corresponding citations method + added method to get/set seq_in slot + as.SummarizedExepriment now works correctly + using seq_in now works for sequences with more than 2 steps Changes in 1.0.0 + Biconductor 3.11 release Changes in 0.99.10 + update vignettes + update documentation + add 'signature' input to struct_obj_method Changes in 0.99.9 + subsetting of iterators with a single model now converts to a model sequence with 1 step Changes in 0.99.8 + documentation changes for Bioconductor checks Changes in 0.99.7 + fixed broken is_valid for .outputs + minor documentation updates Changes in 0.99.6 + .params and.outputs inherited correctly + fix some documentation issues Changes in 0.99.5 + added as.DatasetExperiment for converting SummarizedExperiment objects Changes in 0.99.4 (2020-02-04) + Set initial value for entity on creation if not provided + Rename enum 'list' to 'allowed' Changes in 0.99.3 (2020-02-03) + Improved use of class constructors Changes in 0.99.2 + incremental changes in response to bioconductor feedback Changes in 0.99.1 + incremental changes in response to bioconductor feedback Changes in 0.99.0 + Bioconductor submission Changes in 0.4.1 + Final working release before bioconductor submission Changes in version 0.2.0 (2019-07-25) + Introduction of seq_out slot for more flexible workflows (currently method objects only)