Changes in version 2021-09-22                      

  - 0.99.1 update DESCRIPTION and NEWS files (2021-09-28, Tue)
  - 0.99.2 add documentation for row data in extdata/inst and clean up
    code (2021-09-29, Wed)
  - 0.99.3 remove some vignettes from master (build on the gh-pages
    branch) (2021-10-1, Fri)
  - 0.99.4 remove 'stringr' package from 'Imports' (2021-10-11, Mon)
  - 0.99.5 make the consensus_views compatible ggtreeExtra and add
    package description. (2021-10-21, Thu)

                       Changes in version 0.0.10                        

  - update default color schemes in lower part of the SeqDiff plot
    (2021-08-20, Fri)

                        Changes in version 0.0.9                        

  - import R4RNA to fix R check (2021-08-03, Tue)

                        Changes in version 0.0.8                        

  - bugfix: fix variable names error in color_scheme. (2021-07-29, Thu)
  - The migration of sequence recombination functionality from seqcombo
    package. (2021-07-20, Tue)

                        Changes in version 0.0.7                        

  - added gghelix() and geom_helix().(2021-04-1, Thu)
  - added option to show the fill legend.(2021-03-23, Tue)
  - added a error message to remind that "sequences must have unique
    names".(2021-03-18, Thu)
  - added ggSeqBundle() to plot Sequence Bundles for MSAs based ggolot2
    (2021-03-18, Thu)

                        Changes in version 0.0.6                        

  - supports linking ggtreeExtra. (2021-01-21, Thu)
  - bugfix: reversed sequence in 'tree + geom_facet(font)' .
    (2021-01-21, Thu)
  - bugfix: partitioning error when the sequence starting point greater
    than 1. (2021-01-21, Thu)
  - bugfix: generates continuous x-axis labels for each panel.
    (2021-01-21, Thu)
  - supports customize colors custom_color. (2020-12-28, Mon)

                        Changes in version 0.0.5                        

  - added a new view called by_conservation.(2020-12-22, Tue)
  - added a new color scheme Hydrophobicity and a new parameter
    border.(2020-12-21, Mon)
  - rewrite the function facet_msa().(2020-12-03, Thu)
  - Debug: tree + geom_facet(geom_msa()) does not work.(2020-12-03, Thu)
  - added a new function geom_msaBar().(2020-12-03, Thu)
  - added a new parameter ignore_gaps used in consensus
    views.(2020-10-09, Fri)
  - debug in consensus views (2020-10-05, Mon)
  - added consensus views (2020-9-30, Wed)
  - added new colors LETTER and CN6 provided by ShixiangWang.issues#8

                        Changes in version 0.0.4                        

  - fixed warning message in msa_data.R (2020-4-26, Sun)
  - added ggplot_add methods for geom_*() (2020-4-24, Fri)
  - added a parameter seq_name in ggmsa() (2020-4-23, Thu)
  - added a new function facet_msa() --> break down the MSA (2020-4-17,
  - added a parameter posHighlighted in ggmsa() (2020-4-17, Fri)
  - created a new layer geom_asterisk() to optimized geom_seed()
    (2020-4-11, Sta)
  - added new functions available_colors(), available_fonts() and
    available_msa() (2020-3-30, Thu)
  - added a new function geom_seed() --> highlight the seed region in
    miRNA sequences (2020-3-27, Fri)
  - added a new function ggmotif()--> plot sequence motifs independently
    (2020-3-23, Tue)
  - added a Monospaced Font DroidSansMono (2020-3-23, Mon)

                        Changes in version 0.0.3                        

  - release of v=0.0.3 (2020-03-16, Mon)
  - added a new function geom_GC() --> plot GC content in MSA
    (2020-02-28, Fri)
  - added a new function geom_seqlogo() --> plot plot sequence motifs in
    MSA (2020-02-14, Fri)
  - used a proportional scaling algorithm (2020-01-08, Wed)

                        Changes in version 0.0.2                        

  - support plot sequence logo (2019-12-25, Wed)
  - added three fonts:helvetical, times_new_roman, mono (2019-12-21,
  - ~~added three fonts:serif_font, Montserrat_font, roboto_font
    (2019-12-17, Tue)~~
  - added internal outline polygons (2019-12-15, Sun)
  - bug fixed of tidy_msa
  - import seqmagick for parsing fasta
  - tidy_msa for converting msa file/object to tidy data frame
    (2019-12-09, Mon)

                        Changes in version 0.0.1                        

  - initial CRAN release (2019-10-17, Thu)
  - removed from CRAN on 2021-08-17