Changes in version 1.0.0 NEW FEATURES - (v. 0.99.0) This is the submitted version of the package. - (v. 0.99.6) Added many crashes to avoid crashes. - (v. 0.99.7) Added vignette files. - (v. 0.99.8) Added "Was the file run twice" in data table. Edited data file to be consistent with fixes from other versions. Manual pages updated. - (v. 0.99.11) Added UseCairo parameter since docker requires no Cairo when creating the pngs. - (v. 0.99.12) Added UnifTimeCheck parameter to allow the user to adjust the value. - (v. 0.99.13) Changed default UseCairo to F. Added UseCairo and UnifTimeCheck parameter to second run code. Changed email. - (v. 0.99.14) Added AlwaysClean parameter to allow for not skipping if nice. Also added to the man pages. - (v. 0.99.16) Added IgnoreMonotonic paramater to ignore the monotonically increasing in time flagging test. - (v. 0.99.17) Changed license. - (v. 0.99.18) Added monotonic time fix option. - (v. 1.3.1) Added option to choose a subset of measures. Updated vignette. BUG FIXES - (v 0.99.1) Small fixes from the bioconductor bot review process. - (v 0.99.2) Review fixes. - (v 0.99.9) Fixed a bug that occured if the first channel being cleaned was the first one. This only happens if there is not FSC or SSC channels. - (v 0.99.10) Fixed bug where time tests fails on second run of flowCut - (v 0.99.15) Small bug fix with monotonically increasing channels. - (v 0.99.19) Fixed formatting issues in vignette. - (v 0.99.20) Fixed formatting issues in vignette. - (v 0.99.21) Fixed spacing issues. - (v 0.99.22) changed 1: to seq_len - (v 0.99.23) changed codes formatting - (v 0.99.24) changed codes formatting - (v 0.99.25) More formatting and code optimization edits, changed NEWS to - (v 0.99.26) resolved installation issues - (v 0.99.27) Small bug fix with monotonically increasing channels.