Sushi News CHANGES IN R 1.6.1: * added 'ribbons' feature to plotBedpe CHANGES IN R 1.6.0: * edited * plotBedgraph now plots empty plot when there is not enough data in range CHANGES IN R 1.1.3: * edited * Lines connecting regions in plotBedpe plots now only connect the inner region. Only noticable if plot is drawn with opaque colors CHANGES IN R 1.1.2: * Added more install info to CHANGES IN R 1.1.1: * Added * Added Tips section to Vignette CHANGES IN R 0.99.2: * fixed name of NEWS file * imports graphics, grDevices in DESCRIPTION file CHANGES IN R 0.99.1: * Made package lighter by adding more specific imports and exports * added examples for all exported functions Package: Sushi Title: Tools for visualizing genomics data Description: Flexible, quantitative, and integrative genomic visualizations for publication-quality multi-panel figures Author: Douglas H Phanstiel <> Maintainer: Douglas H Phanstiel <> biocViews: DataRepresentation, Visualization, Genetics, Sequencing, Infrastructure, License: GPL (>= 2) Depends: R (>= 2.10), zoo,biomaRt