## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(netDx))) # suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(curatedTCGAData))) # # # fetch data remotely # brca <- suppressMessages(curatedTCGAData("BRCA",c("mRNAArray"),FALSE, # version="1.1.38")) # # # process input variables # staget <- sub("[abcd]","",sub("t","",colData(brca)$pathology_T_stage)) # staget <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(staget)) # colData(brca)$STAGE <- staget # # pam50 <- colData(brca)$PAM50.mRNA # pam50[which(!pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "notLumA" # pam50[which(pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "LumA" # colData(brca)$pam_mod <- pam50 # # tmp <- colData(brca)$PAM50.mRNA # idx <- union(which(tmp %in% c("Normal-like","Luminal B","HER2-enriched")), # which(is.na(staget))) # pID <- colData(brca)$patientID # tokeep <- setdiff(pID, pID[idx]) # brca <- brca[,tokeep,] # # smp <- sampleMap(brca) # samps <- smp[which(smp$assay=="BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"),] # # remove duplicate assays mapped to the same sample # notdup <- samps[which(!duplicated(samps$primary)),"colname"] # brca[[1]] <- suppressMessages(brca[[1]][,notdup]) # # # colData must have ID and STATUS columns # pID <- colData(brca)$patientID # colData(brca)$ID <- pID # colData(brca)$STATUS <- colData(brca)$pam_mod # # # create grouping rules # groupList <- list() # # genes in mRNA data are grouped by pathways # pathList <- readPathways(fetchPathwayDefinitions("January",2018)) # groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]] <- pathList[1:3] # # clinical data is not grouped; each variable is its own feature # groupList[["clinical"]] <- list( # age="patient.age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis", # stage="STAGE" # ) # # # create function to tell netDx how to build features (PSN) from your data # makeNets <- function(dataList, groupList, netDir,...) { # netList <- c() # initialize before is.null() check # # make RNA nets (NOTE: the check for is.null() is important!) # # (Pearson correlation) # if (!is.null(groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]])) { # netList <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]], # rownames(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]]), # groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]], # netDir,verbose=FALSE, # writeProfiles=TRUE,...) # } # # # make clinical nets (normalized difference) # netList2 <- c() # if (!is.null(groupList[["clinical"]])) { # netList2 <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList$clinical, # rownames(dataList$clinical), # groupList[["clinical"]],netDir, # simMetric="custom",customFunc=normDiff, # custom function # writeProfiles=FALSE, # sparsify=TRUE,verbose=TRUE,...) # } # netList <- c(unlist(netList),unlist(netList2)) # return(netList) # } # # # run predictor # set.seed(42) # make results reproducible # outDir <- paste(tempdir(),randAlphanumString(), # "pred_output",sep=getFileSep()) # # To see all messages, remove suppressMessages() and set logging="default". # # To keep all intermediate data, set keepAllData=TRUE # out <- buildPredictor( # dataList=brca,groupList=groupList, # makeNetFunc=makeNets, # outDir=outDir, ## netDx requires absolute path # numSplits=2L,featScoreMax=2L, featSelCutoff=1L, # numCores=1L,logging="none", # keepAllData=FALSE,debugMode=TRUE # ) # # # collect results # numSplits <- 2 # st <- unique(colData(brca)$STATUS) # acc <- c() # accuracy # predList <- list() # prediction tables # featScores <- list() # feature scores per class # for (cur in unique(st)) featScores[[cur]] <- list() # # for (k in 1:numSplits) { # pred <- out[[sprintf("Split%i",k)]][["predictions"]]; # # predictions table # tmp <- pred[,c("ID","STATUS","TT_STATUS","PRED_CLASS", # sprintf("%s_SCORE",st))] # predList[[k]] <- tmp # # accuracy # acc <- c(acc, sum(tmp$PRED==tmp$STATUS)/nrow(tmp)) # # feature scores # for (cur in unique(st)) { # tmp <- out[[sprintf("Split%i",k)]][["featureScores"]][[cur]] # colnames(tmp) <- c("PATHWAY_NAME","SCORE") # featScores[[cur]][[sprintf("Split%i",k)]] <- tmp # } # } # # # plot ROC and PR curve, compute AUROC, AUPR # predPerf <- plotPerf(predList, predClasses=st) # # get table of feature scores for each split and patient label # featScores2 <- lapply(featScores, getNetConsensus) # # identify features that consistently perform well # featSelNet <- lapply(featScores2, function(x) { # callFeatSel(x, fsCutoff=1, fsPctPass=0) # }) # # # prepare data for EnrichmentMap plotting of top-scoring features # Emap_res <- getEMapInput_many(featScores2,pathList, # minScore=1,maxScore=2,pctPass=0,out$inputNets,verbose=FALSE) # gmtFiles <- list() # nodeAttrFiles <- list() # # for (g in names(Emap_res)) { # outFile <- paste(outDir,sprintf("%s_nodeAttrs.txt",g),sep=getFileSep()) # write.table(Emap_res[[g]][["nodeAttrs"]],file=outFile, # sep="\t",col=TRUE,row=FALSE,quote=FALSE) # nodeAttrFiles[[g]] <- outFile # # outFile <- paste(outDir,sprintf("%s.gmt",g),sep=getFileSep()) # conn <- suppressWarnings( # suppressMessages(base::file(outFile,"w"))) # tmp <- Emap_res[[g]][["featureSets"]] # gmtFiles[[g]] <- outFile # # for (cur in names(tmp)) { # curr <- sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s", cur,cur, # paste(tmp[[cur]],collapse="\t")) # writeLines(curr,con=conn) # } # close(conn) # } # # # This step requires Cytoscape to be installed and running. # ###plotEmap(gmtFiles[[1]],nodeAttrFiles[[1]], # ### groupClusters=TRUE, hideNodeLabels=TRUE) # # # collect data for integrated PSN # featScores2 <- lapply(featScores, getNetConsensus) # featSelNet <- lapply(featScores2, function(x) { # callFeatSel(x, fsCutoff=2, fsPctPass=1) # }) # topPath <- gsub(".profile","", # unique(unlist(featSelNet))) # topPath <- gsub("_cont.txt","",topPath) # # create groupList limited to top features # g2 <- list(); # for (nm in names(groupList)) { # cur <- groupList[[nm]] # idx <- which(names(cur) %in% topPath) # message(sprintf("%s: %i pathways", nm, length(idx))) # if (length(idx)>0) g2[[nm]] <- cur[idx] # } # # # calculates integrated PSN, calculates grouping statistics, # # and plots integrates PSN. Set plotCytoscape=TRUE if Cytoscape is running. # psn <- suppressMessages( # plotIntegratedPatientNetwork(brca, # groupList=g2, makeNetFunc=makeNets, # aggFun="MEAN",prune_X=0.30,prune_useTop=TRUE, # numCores=1L,calcShortestPath=TRUE, # showStats=FALSE, # verbose=FALSE, plotCytoscape=FALSE) # ) # # # Visualize integrated patient similarity network as a tSNE plot # tsne <- plot_tSNE(psn$patientSimNetwork_unpruned,colData(brca)) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # numSplits <- 100 # num times to split data into train/blind test samples # featScoreMax <- 10 # num folds for cross-validation, also max score for a network # featSelCutoff <- 9 # netScores <- list() # collect set of netScores # perf <- list() # collect set of test evaluations # # for k in 1:numSplits # [train, test] <- splitData(80:20) # split data using RNG seed # featScores[[k]] <- scoreFeatures(train, featScoreMax) # topFeat[[k]] <- applyFeatCutoff(featScores[[k]]) # perf[[k]] <- collectPerformance(topFeat[[k]], test) # end ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(netDx))) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- suppressMessages(library(curatedTCGAData)) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- curatedTCGAData(diseaseCode="BRCA", assays="*",dry.run=TRUE, version="1.1.38") ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- brca <- suppressMessages(curatedTCGAData("BRCA",c("mRNAArray"),FALSE, version="1.1.38")) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- staget <- sub("[abcd]","",sub("t","",colData(brca)$pathology_T_stage)) staget <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(staget)) colData(brca)$STAGE <- staget pam50 <- colData(brca)$PAM50.mRNA pam50[which(!pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "notLumA" pam50[which(pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "LumA" colData(brca)$pam_mod <- pam50 tmp <- colData(brca)$PAM50.mRNA idx <- union(which(tmp %in% c("Normal-like","Luminal B","HER2-enriched")), which(is.na(staget))) pID <- colData(brca)$patientID tokeep <- setdiff(pID, pID[idx]) brca <- brca[,tokeep,] # remove duplicate assays mapped to the same sample smp <- sampleMap(brca) samps <- smp[which(smp$assay=="BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"),] notdup <- samps[which(!duplicated(samps$primary)),"colname"] brca[[1]] <- suppressMessages(brca[[1]][,notdup]) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- pID <- colData(brca)$patientID colData(brca)$ID <- pID colData(brca)$STATUS <- colData(brca)$pam_mod ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- summary(brca) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- groupList <- list() # genes in mRNA data are grouped by pathways pathList <- readPathways(fetchPathwayDefinitions("January",2018)) groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]] <- pathList[1:3] # clinical data is not grouped; each variable is its own feature groupList[["clinical"]] <- list( age="patient.age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis", stage="STAGE" ) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- summary(groupList) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]][1:3] ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- head(groupList[["clinical"]]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- makeNets <- function(dataList, groupList, netDir,...) { netList <- c() # initialize before is.null() check # make RNA nets (NOTE: the check for is.null() is important!) # (Pearson correlation) if (!is.null(groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]])) { netList <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]], rownames(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]]), groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]], netDir,verbose=FALSE, writeProfiles=TRUE,...) } # make clinical nets (normalized difference) netList2 <- c() if (!is.null(groupList[["clinical"]])) { netList2 <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList$clinical, rownames(dataList$clinical), groupList[["clinical"]],netDir, simMetric="custom",customFunc=normDiff, # custom function writeProfiles=FALSE, sparsify=TRUE,verbose=TRUE,...) } netList <- c(unlist(netList),unlist(netList2)) return(netList) } ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(42) # make results reproducible outDir <- paste(tempdir(),randAlphanumString(), "pred_output",sep=getFileSep()) # set keepAllData=TRUE to not delete at the end of the predictor run. # This can be useful for debugging. out <- buildPredictor( dataList=brca,groupList=groupList, makeNetFunc=makeNets, outDir=outDir, ## netDx requires absolute path numSplits=2L,featScoreMax=2L, featSelCutoff=1L, numCores=1L,debugMode=TRUE, logging="none") ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- summary(out) summary(out$Split1) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- numSplits <- 2 st <- unique(colData(brca)$STATUS) acc <- c() # accuracy predList <- list() # prediction tables featScores <- list() # feature scores per class for (cur in unique(st)) featScores[[cur]] <- list() for (k in 1:numSplits) { pred <- out[[sprintf("Split%i",k)]][["predictions"]]; # predictions table tmp <- pred[,c("ID","STATUS","TT_STATUS","PRED_CLASS", sprintf("%s_SCORE",st))] predList[[k]] <- tmp # accuracy acc <- c(acc, sum(tmp$PRED==tmp$STATUS)/nrow(tmp)) # feature scores for (cur in unique(st)) { tmp <- out[[sprintf("Split%i",k)]][["featureScores"]][[cur]] colnames(tmp) <- c("PATHWAY_NAME","SCORE") featScores[[cur]][[sprintf("Split%i",k)]] <- tmp } } ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- print(acc) ## ----eval=TRUE,fig.width=8,fig.height=10-------------------------------------- predPerf <- plotPerf(predList, predClasses=st) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- featScores2 <- lapply(featScores, getNetConsensus) summary(featScores2) head(featScores2[["LumA"]]) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- featSelNet <- lapply(featScores2, function(x) { callFeatSel(x, fsCutoff=1, fsPctPass=0) }) print(head(featScores2[["LumA"]])) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- Emap_res <- getEMapInput_many(featScores2,pathList, minScore=1,maxScore=2,pctPass=0,out$inputNets,verbose=FALSE) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- gmtFiles <- list() nodeAttrFiles <- list() for (g in names(Emap_res)) { outFile <- paste(outDir,sprintf("%s_nodeAttrs.txt",g),sep=getFileSep()) write.table(Emap_res[[g]][["nodeAttrs"]],file=outFile, sep="\t",col=TRUE,row=FALSE,quote=FALSE) nodeAttrFiles[[g]] <- outFile outFile <- paste(outDir,sprintf("%s.gmt",g),sep=getFileSep()) conn <- suppressWarnings( suppressMessages(base::file(outFile,"w"))) tmp <- Emap_res[[g]][["featureSets"]] gmtFiles[[g]] <- outFile for (cur in names(tmp)) { curr <- sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s", cur,cur, paste(tmp[[cur]],collapse="\t")) writeLines(curr,con=conn) } close(conn) } ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- ###plotEmap(gmtFiles[[1]],nodeAttrFiles[[1]], ### groupClusters=TRUE, hideNodeLabels=TRUE) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- featScores2 <- lapply(featScores, getNetConsensus) featSelNet <- lapply(featScores2, function(x) { callFeatSel(x, fsCutoff=2, fsPctPass=1) }) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- print(featSelNet) ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- topPath <- gsub(".profile","", unique(unlist(featSelNet))) topPath <- gsub("_cont.txt","",topPath) # create groupList limited to top features g2 <- list(); for (nm in names(groupList)) { cur <- groupList[[nm]] idx <- which(names(cur) %in% topPath) message(sprintf("%s: %i pathways", nm, length(idx))) if (length(idx)>0) g2[[nm]] <- cur[idx] } ## ----eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- psn <- suppressMessages( plotIntegratedPatientNetwork(brca, groupList=g2, makeNetFunc=makeNets, aggFun="MEAN",prune_pctX=0.30,prune_useTop=TRUE, numCores=1L,calcShortestPath=TRUE, showStats=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, plotCytoscape=FALSE) ) ## ----fig.width=8,fig.height=8------------------------------------------------- tsne <- plot_tSNE(psn$patientSimNetwork_unpruned,colData(brca)) summary(tsne) class(tsne) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()