## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, message = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # MISTy library(mistyR) library(future) # SpatialExperiment library(SpatialExperiment) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(SummarizedExperiment) # data manipulation library(Matrix) library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(purrr) # normalization library(sctransform) # resource library(progeny) # plotting library(ggplot2) # setup parallel execution plan(multisession) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- run_misty_spe <- function(slide, # SpatialExperiment object with spatial omics data. view.assays, # Named list of assays for each view. view.features = NULL, # Named list of features/markers to use. # Use all by default. view.types, # Named list of the type of view to construct # from the assay. view.params, # Named list with parameters (NULL or value) # for each view. spot.ids = NULL, # spot IDs to use. Use all by default. out.alias = "results" # folder name for output ) { # Extracting geometry geometry <- as.data.frame(spatialData(slide)) %>% select(array_row, array_col) # Extracting data view.data <- map(view.assays, extract_spe_data, geometry = geometry, slide = slide ) # Constructing and running a workflow build_misty_pipeline( view.data = view.data, view.features = view.features, view.types = view.types, view.params = view.params, geometry = geometry, spot.ids = spot.ids, out.alias = out.alias ) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extracts data from an specific assay from a SpatialExperiment object # and aligns the IDs to the geometry extract_spe_data <- function(slide, assay, geometry) { data <- altExp(slide, assay) %>% assay() %>% t() %>% as_tibble(rownames = NA) return(data %>% dplyr::slice(match(rownames(.), rownames(geometry)))) } # Filters data to contain only features of interest filter_data_features <- function(data, features) { if (is.null(features)) features <- colnames(data) return(data %>% rownames_to_column() %>% select(rowname, all_of(features)) %>% rename_with(make.names) %>% column_to_rownames()) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Builds views depending on the paramaters defined create_default_views <- function(data, view.type, view.param, view.name, spot.ids, geometry) { view.data.init <- create_initial_view(data) if (!(view.type %in% c("intra", "para", "juxta"))) { view.type <- "intra" } if (view.type == "intra") { data.red <- view.data.tmp$data %>% rownames_to_column() %>% filter(rowname %in% spot.ids) %>% select(-rowname) } else if (view.type == "para") { view.data.tmp <- view.data.init %>% add_paraview(geometry, l = view.param) data.ix <- paste0("paraview.", view.param) data.red <- view.data.tmp[[data.ix]]$data %>% mutate(rowname = rownames(data)) %>% filter(rowname %in% spot.ids) %>% select(-rowname) } else if (view.type == "juxta") { view.data.tmp <- view.data.init %>% add_juxtaview( positions = geometry, neighbor.thr = view.param ) data.ix <- paste0("juxtaview.", view.param) data.red <- view.data.tmp[[data.ix]]$data %>% mutate(rowname = rownames(data)) %>% filter(rowname %in% spot.ids) %>% select(-rowname) } if (is.null(view.param) == TRUE) { misty.view <- create_view( paste0(view.name), data.red ) } else { misty.view <- create_view( paste0(view.name, "_", view.param), data.red ) } return(misty.view) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Builds automatic MISTy workflow and runs it build_misty_pipeline <- function(view.data, view.features, view.types, view.params, geometry, spot.ids = NULL, out.alias = "default") { # Adding all spots ids in case they are not defined if (is.null(spot.ids)) { spot.ids <- rownames(view.data[[1]]) } # First filter the features from the data view.data.filt <- map2(view.data, view.features, filter_data_features) # Create initial view views.main <- create_initial_view(view.data.filt[[1]] %>% rownames_to_column() %>% filter(rowname %in% spot.ids) %>% select(-rowname)) # Create other views view.names <- names(view.data.filt) all.views <- pmap(list( view.data.filt[-1], view.types[-1], view.params[-1], view.names[-1] ), create_default_views, spot.ids = spot.ids, geometry = geometry ) pline.views <- add_views( views.main, unlist(all.views, recursive = FALSE) ) # Run MISTy run_misty(pline.views, out.alias) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted <- function(spe, molecule = NULL, x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", palette = NULL, alt_assay = "lognorm") { if (is.null(palette)) { palette <- "yellow" } if (!is.null(palette) && length(palette) == 1) { palette <- c("black", palette) } df_plot <- spatialData(spe)[, c(x_coord, y_coord), drop = FALSE] mRNA_counts <- as.numeric(assay(altExp(spe, alt_assay))[molecule, , drop = FALSE]) stopifnot(length(mRNA_counts) == nrow(df_plot)) df_plot <- cbind(df_plot, expression = mRNA_counts) df_plot <- as.data.frame(df_plot) %>% mutate(array_row = array_row * -1) p <- ggplot( df_plot, aes_string(x = x_coord, y = y_coord, color = "expression") ) + geom_point(size = 2.5) + scale_color_gradient( low = palette[1], high = palette[2], trans = "sqrt" ) + coord_fixed() + ggtitle(molecule) + theme_void() p } ## ----get_data, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- cleanup <- FALSE if (!dir.exists("breast_A_1")) { download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/igby4csbt9u4uuf/breast_A_1.tgz?dl=1", destfile = "breast_A_1.tgz", mode ="wb", quiet = TRUE ) untar("breast_A_1.tgz", tar = "internal") cleanup <- TRUE } ## ---- warning=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- # Load and normalize using SCT folder <- "breast_A_1" # rename to create the required file structure file.rename( "breast_A_1/V1_Breast_Cancer_Block_A_Section_1_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5", "breast_A_1/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5" ) spe <- read10xVisium(folder, type = "HDF5", data = "filtered", images = "lowres") # normalize data # counts are of class DelayedMatrix which is incompatible with vst sct.data <- vst(as(counts(spe), "dgCMatrix"), verbosity = 0)$y # Dropping duplicates spe <- spe[!duplicated(rowData(spe)), ] # Getting relevant genes gene.dict <- as_tibble(rowData(spe), rownames = NA) %>% rownames_to_column("ENSEMBL") %>% filter(ENSEMBL %in% rownames(sct.data)) # Re-naming normalized data with gene symbols sct.data <- sct.data[gene.dict %>% pull("ENSEMBL"), colnames(spe)] rownames(sct.data) <- gene.dict %>% pull(symbol) # undo file rename file.rename( "breast_A_1/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5", "breast_A_1/V1_Breast_Cancer_Block_A_Section_1_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- coverage <- rowSums(sct.data > 0) / ncol(sct.data) slide.markers <- names(coverage[coverage >= 0.05]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- estrogen.footprints <- getModel(top = 15) %>% rownames_to_column("gene") %>% filter(Estrogen != 0, gene %in% slide.markers) %>% pull(gene) hypoxia.footprints <- getModel(top = 15) %>% rownames_to_column("gene") %>% filter(Hypoxia != 0, gene %in% slide.markers) %>% pull(gene) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sct.exp <- SummarizedExperiment(sct.data[slide.markers, ]) assayNames(sct.exp) <- "SCT" altExp(spe, "SCT") <- sct.exp ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define assay for each view view.assays <- list( "main" = "SCT", "para.hypoxia" = "SCT", "para.estrogen" = "SCT" ) # Define features for each view view.features <- list( "main" = hypoxia.footprints, "para.hypoxia" = hypoxia.footprints, "para.estrogen" = estrogen.footprints ) # Define spatial context for each view view.types <- list( "main" = "intra", "para.hypoxia" = "para", "para.estrogen" = "para" ) # Define additional parameters (l in the case of paraview) view.params <- list( "main" = NULL, "para.hypoxia" = 10, "para.estrogen" = 10 ) misty.out <- "vignette_model_spe" ## ---- warning=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- misty.results <- run_misty_spe( slide = spe, view.assays = view.assays, view.features = view.features, view.types = view.types, view.params = view.params, spot.ids = NULL, # Using the whole slide out.alias = misty.out ) %>% collect_results() ## ---- warning=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- misty.results %>% plot_improvement_stats("gain.R2") %>% plot_improvement_stats("gain.RMSE") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results$improvements %>% filter(measure == "p.R2") %>% arrange(value) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results %>% plot_view_contributions() misty.results$contributions.stats %>% filter(target == "PGK1") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results %>% plot_interaction_heatmap(view = "intra") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results$importances.aggregated[["intra"]] %>% select(Predictor, PGK1) %>% arrange(-PGK1) ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "PGK1", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "NDRG1", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results %>% plot_interaction_heatmap(view = "para.hypoxia_10") ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "PGK1", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "PFKFB4", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misty.results %>% plot_interaction_heatmap(view = "para.estrogen_10") ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "PGK1", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ---- warning=FALSE, dev='jpeg'----------------------------------------------- plotMolecules_adapted(spe, molecule = "TPD52L1", x_coord = "array_col", y_coord = "array_row", alt_assay = "SCT" ) ## ----info, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo() ## ----cleanup, include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- if (cleanup) { unlink(c("breast_A_1.tgz", "breast_A_1/"), recursive = TRUE ) } unlink("vignette_model_spe", recursive = TRUE)