## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------ BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----env, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE------------------------------ library("knitr") opts_chunk$set(stop_on_error = 1L) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("MatrixQCvis")) ## ----install, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("MatrixQCvis") ## ----load_MatrixQCvis, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------- library(MatrixQCvis) ## ---- prepare_se, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------- ## create synthetic assay using the generate_synthetic_data function from the ## proDA package library(proDA) n_samples <- 40 n_feat <- 1000 data <- generate_synthetic_data(n_feat, n_conditions = n_samples / 10, n_replicates = n_samples / 4, frac_changed = 0.1) a <- data$Y colnames(a) <- gsub(colnames(a), pattern = "Condition", replacement = "Sample") ## add some treatment-specific effects set.seed(1) a[, 1:5] <- a[, 1:5] + rnorm(5000, mean = 1.0, sd = 0.5) a[, 11:15] <- a[, 11:15] + rnorm(5000, mean = 0.8, sd = 0.5) a[, 21:25] <- a[, 21:25] + rnorm(5000, mean = 1.2, sd = 0.5) a[, 31:35] <- a[, 31:35] + rnorm(5000, mean = 0.7, sd = 0.5) ## create information on the samples type_sample <- gsub(data$groups, pattern = "Condition", replacement = "Type") trmt_sample <- paste( c(rep("1", 10), rep("2", 10), rep("3", 10), rep("4", 10)), c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 5)), sep = "_") cD <- data.frame(name = colnames(a), type = type_sample, treatment = trmt_sample) ## create information on the proteins rD <- data.frame(spectra = rownames(a)) ## create se se <- SummarizedExperiment(assay = a, rowData = rD, colData = cD) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # qc <- shinyQC(se) ## ----hist_sample, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- tbl <- hist_sample_num(se = se, category = "type") partial_bundle(hist_sample(tbl, category = "type")) ## ----mosaic, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- mosaic(se = se, f1 = "type", f2 = "treatment") ## ----samples_memi, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------- tbl <- samples_memi(se) partial_bundle(barplot_samples_memi(tbl, measured = TRUE)) ## ----hist_feature_measured, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- partial_bundle(hist_feature(assay(se), measured = TRUE)) ## ----hist_feature_missing, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- partial_bundle(hist_feature(assay(se), measured = FALSE)) ## ----hist_feature_category, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- partial_bundle(hist_feature_category(se, measured = TRUE, category = "type")) ## ----upsetmeasured, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------- upset_category(se, category = "type", measured = TRUE) ## ----upsetmissing, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------- upset_category(se, category = "type", measured = FALSE) ## ----boxplot, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------- create_boxplot(se, orderCategory = "name", title = "raw", log2 = FALSE, violin = TRUE) ## ----drift, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------- partial_bundle(driftPlot(se, aggregation = "median", category = "type", orderCategory = "type", level = "Type_1", method = "loess")) ## ----cv, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------ a <- assay(se) se_t <- se a_n <- a %>% normalizeAssay(., "sum") a_t <- a_n %>% transformAssay(., "vsn") assay(se_t) <- a_t a_b <- se_t %>% batchCorrectionAssay(., method = "none") a_i <- a_b %>% imputeAssay(., "MinDet") ## calculate cv values cv_r <- cv(a, "raw") cv_n <- cv(a_n, "normalized") cv_t <- cv(a_t, "transformed") cv_b <- cv(a_b, "batch corrected") cv_i <- cv(a_i, "imputed") df <- data.frame(cv_r, cv_n, cv_t, cv_b, cv_i) plotCV(df) ## ----meansdplot, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------- vsn::meanSdPlot(assay(se_t)) ## ----maplot, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, show=FALSE------------------------------ tbl <- MAvalues(se, group = "all") MAplot(tbl, group = "all", plot = "Sample_1-1") ## ----ecdf, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------- ECDF(se, "Sample_1-1", group = "all") ## ----distSampe, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- a <- assay(se) dist_mat <- distShiny(a) distSample(dist_mat, se, "type") partial_bundle(sumDistSample(dist_mat, title = "raw")) ## ----featurePlot, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- l_assays <- list(raw = a, normalized = a_n, transformed = a_t, `batch.corrected` = a_b, imputed = a_i) df_feature <- createDfFeature(l_assays, feature = rownames(se)[1]) featurePlot(df_feature) ## ----cvFeaturePlot, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------- partial_bundle(cvFeaturePlot(l_assays, lines = FALSE)) ## ----colData, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------- colData(se) ## ----modelMatrix, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------- mM <- model.matrix(formula("~ treatment + 0"), data = colData(se)) head(mM) ## ----contrasts, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----------- library(limma) cM <- makeContrasts(contrasts = "treatment1_B-treatment1_A", levels = mM) head(cM) ## ----topDE, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------- a <- assay(se) a_n <- a %>% normalizeAssay(., "none") a_t <- a_n %>% transformAssay(., "none") a_i <- a_t %>% imputeAssay(., "MinDet") fit <- lmFit(a_i, design = mM) fit <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts = cM) fit <- eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE, robust = TRUE) tT <- topTable(fit, number = Inf, adjust.method = "fdr", p.value = 0.05) rmarkdown::paged_table(tT) ## ----volcano, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------- partial_bundle(volcanoPlot(tT, type = "ttest")) ## ----session,eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()