## ----error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------- library(MSstatsLOBD) library(dplyr) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("MSstatsLOBD") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(raw_data) ## ----tidy=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------ #Select variable that are need df <- raw_data %>% select(Peptide.Sequence,Precursor.Charge, Product.Charge, Fragment.Ion,Concentration, Replicate, light.Area, heavy.Area, SampleGroup, File.Name) #Convert factors to numeric and remove NA values: df <- df %>% mutate(heavy.Area = as.numeric(heavy.Area)) %>% filter(!is.na(heavy.Area)) #Sum area over all fragments df2 <- df %>% group_by(Peptide.Sequence, Replicate, SampleGroup, Concentration, File.Name) %>% summarize(A_light = sum(light.Area), A_heavy = sum(heavy.Area)) #Convert to log scale df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(log2light = log2(A_light), log2heavy = log2(A_heavy)) #Calculate median of heavy(reference) for a run df3 <- df2 %>% group_by(Peptide.Sequence) %>% summarize(medianlog2light = median(log2light), medianlog2heavy= median(log2heavy)) #Modify light intensity so that the intensity of the heavy is constant (=median) across a run. df4 <- left_join(df2,df3, by = "Peptide.Sequence") %>% mutate(log2light_delta = medianlog2light - log2light) %>% mutate(log2heavy_norm = log2heavy + log2light_delta, log2light_norm = log2light + log2light_delta) %>% mutate(A_heavy_norm = 2**log2heavy_norm, A_light_norm = 2**log2light_norm) #Format the data for MSstats: #Select the heavy area, concentration, peptide name and Replicate df_out <- df4 %>% ungroup() %>% select(A_heavy_norm, Concentration, Peptide.Sequence, Replicate) #Change the names according to MSStats requirement: df_out <- df_out %>% rename(INTENSITY = A_heavy_norm, CONCENTRATION = Concentration, NAME = Peptide.Sequence, REPLICATE = Replicate) # We choose NAME as the peptide sequence head(df_out) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ #Select peptide of interest: LPPGLLANFTLLR spikeindata <- df_out %>% filter(NAME == "LPPGLLANFTLLR") #This contains the measured intensity for the peptide of interest head(spikeindata) #Call MSStatsLOD function: quant_out <- nonlinear_quantlim(spikeindata) head(quant_out) ## ----error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------- #plot results in the directory plot_quantlim(spikeindata = spikeindata, quantlim_out = quant_out, address = FALSE) ## ----warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------ #Select peptide of interest: FLNDTMAVYEAK spikeindata2 <- df_out %>% filter(NAME == "FVGTPEVNQTTLYQR") #This contains the measured intensity for the peptide of interest head(spikeindata2) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ #Call MSStats function: quant_out2 <- nonlinear_quantlim(spikeindata2) head(quant_out2) ## ----error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------- #plot results in the directory: "/Users/cyrilg/Desktop/Workflow/Results" #Change directory appropriately for your computer plot_quantlim(spikeindata = spikeindata2, quantlim_out = quant_out2, address = FALSE) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ #Call MSStatsLOD function: quant_out <- linear_quantlim(spikeindata) head(quant_out) ## ----error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------- #plot results in the directory plot_quantlim(spikeindata = spikeindata, quantlim_out = quant_out, address = FALSE) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ #Call MSStatsLOD function: quant_out <- linear_quantlim(spikeindata2) head(quant_out) ## ----error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------- #plot results in the directory plot_quantlim(spikeindata = spikeindata2, quantlim_out = quant_out, address = FALSE)