title: "Example: Creating a Wrapper Function for *k* Nearest Neighbours Classification"
author: Dario Strbenac
The University of Sydney, Australia.
toc: true
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Example: Creating a Wrapper Function for the k-NN Classifier}
```{r, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
options(width = 130)
## Introduction
**ClassifyR** is a *framework* for cross-validated classification, with the rules for functions to be used with it explained in Section 0.11 of the introductory vignette. A fully worked example is shown how to incorporate an existing classifier from
## *k* Nearest Neighbours
There is an implementation of the *k* Nearest Neighbours algorithm in the package **class**. Its function has the form `knn(train, test, cl, k = 1, l = 0, prob = FALSE, use.all = TRUE)`. It accepts a `matrix` or a `data.frame` variable as input, but **ClassifyR** calls transformation, feature selection and classifier functions with a `DataFrame`, a core Bioconductor data container from [S4Vectors](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/S4Vectors.html). It also expects training data to be the first parameter, the classes of it to be the second parameter and the test data to be the third. Therefore, a wrapper for `DataFrame` reordering the parameters is created.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
setGeneric("kNNinterface", function(measurements, ...) {standardGeneric("kNNinterface")})
setMethod("kNNinterface", "DataFrame", function(measurements, classes, test, ..., verbose = 3)
splitDataset <- .splitDataAndClasses(measurements, classes)
trainingMatrix <- as.matrix(splitDataset[["measurements"]])
isNumeric <- sapply(measurements, is.numeric)
measurements <- measurements[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
isNumeric <- sapply(test, is.numeric)
test <- test[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
if(!requireNamespace("class", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'class' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(verbose == 3)
message("Fitting k Nearest Neighbours classifier to data and predicting classes.")
class::knn(as.matrix(measurements), as.matrix(test), classes, ...)
The function only emits a progress message if `verbose` is 3. The verbosity levels are explained in the introductory vignette. `.splitDataAndClasses` is an internal function in **ClassifyR** which ensures that classes are not in `measurements`. If `classes` is a factor vector, then the function has no effect. If `classes` is the character name of a column in `measurements`, that column is removed from the table and returned as a separate variable. The `...` parameter captures any options to be passed onto `knn`, such as `k` (number of neighbours considered) and `l` (minimum vote for a definite decision), for example. The function is also defensive and removes any non-numeric columns from the input table.
**ClassifyR** also accepts a `matrix` and a `MultiAssayExperiment` as input. Provide convenience methods for these inputs which converts them into a `DataFrame`. In this way, only the `DataFrame` version of `kNNinterface` does the classification.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
setMethod("kNNinterface", "matrix",
function(measurements, classes, test, ...)
kNNinterface(DataFrame(t(measurements), check.names = FALSE),
DataFrame(t(test), check.names = FALSE), ...)
setMethod("kNNinterface", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(measurements, test, targets = names(measurements), ...)
tablesAndClasses <- .MAEtoWideTable(measurements, targets)
trainingTable <- tablesAndClasses[["dataTable"]]
classes <- tablesAndClasses[["classes"]]
testingTable <- .MAEtoWideTable(test, targets)
.checkVariablesAndSame(trainingTable, testingTable)
kNNinterface(trainingTable, classes, testingTable, ...)
The `matrix` method simply involves transposing the input matrices, which **ClassifyR** expects to store features in the rows and samples in the columns (customary in bioinformatics), and casting them to a `DataFrame`, which dispatches to the kNNinterface method for a `DataFrame`, which carries out the classification.
The conversion of a `MultiAssayExperiment` is more complicated. **ClassifyR** has an internal function `.MAEtoWideTable` which converts a `MultiAssayExperiment` to a wide `DataFrame`. `targets` specifies which assays to include in the conversion. By default, it can also filters the resultant table to contain only numeric variables. The internal validity function `.checkVariablesAndSame` checks that there is at least 1 column after filtering and that the training and testing table have the same number of variables.
## Verifying the Implementation
Create a data set with 10 samples and 10 features with a clear difference between the two classes. Run leave-out-out cross-validation.
```{r, message = FALSE}
classes <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Disease"), each = 5), levels = c("Healthy", "Disease"))
measurements <- matrix(c(rnorm(50, 10), rnorm(50, 5)), ncol = 10)
colnames(measurements) <- paste("Sample", 1:10)
rownames(measurements) <- paste("mRNA", 1:10)
trainParams <- TrainParams(kNNinterface)
predictParams <- PredictParams(NULL)
classified <- runTests(measurements, classes, datasetName = "Example",
classificationName = "kNN", validation = "leaveOut", leave = 1,
params = list(trainParams, predictParams))
cbind(predictions(classified)[[1]], known = actualClasses(classified))
`NULL` is specified instead of a function to `PredictParams` because one function does training and prediction. As expected for this easy task, the classifier predicts all samples correctly.