--- title: "BiocDockerManager" author: "Nitesh Turaga" package: BiocDockerManager output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{BiocDockerManager Vignette} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Introduction The `BiocDockerManager` package was designed to work analogous to BiocManager but for docker images. Use the BiocDockerManager package manage docker images provided by the Bioconductor project. The package provides convenient ways to install images, update images, confirm validity and find which Bioconductor based docker images are available. # Preliminaries ## Installation If you are reading this document and have not yet installed any software on your computer, visit http://bioconductor.org and follow the instructions for installing R and Bioconductor. Once you have installed R and Bioconductor, you are ready to go with this document. In the future, you might find that you need to install one or more additional packages. The best way to do this is to start an R session and evaluate commands. ```{r install, eval = FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("BiocDockerManager") ``` We require the system to have the docker engine installed. It is supported on all platforms. Please take a look at [https://docs.docker.com/install/](https://docs.docker.com/install/). NOTE: For certain functions, it might be the case that you need to have signed into the Docker Desktop engine on your local machine as well. Eg: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/ ## Loading packages ```{r load, echo = TRUE, message=FALSE} library(BiocDockerManager) library(dplyr) ``` The following code is to run the vignette even if `docker` is not available ```{r do_it} .is_docker_installed <- function() { code <- suppressWarnings( system("docker --version", ignore.stderr = TRUE, ignore.stdout = TRUE) ) code == 0 } ## execute code if the date is later than a specified day do_it = BiocDockerManager:::.is_docker_installed() ``` # Usage The best way to describe the package and it's contents are to showcase some of the functions available in this package. A few functions use the the REST API provided by https://hub.docker.com/, and a few of them interact with the `docker` command line tool installed on your local machine. Please note that, unless `docker` is installed on the machine some of the functions in this vignette will not run. The same goes for when you are testing this package as well. Some Linux machines require that `sudo` be passed in order to run `docker` on the command line. But there is a post-installation step which needs to be setup correctly so the user will not need `sudo`, these steps are located at [linux-postinstall](https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/). ## Availability of images First we can check what Bioconductor docker images are "available". This returns a tibble which we can manipulate with basic `dplyr` functionality. ```{r available1, eval=TRUE} res <- BiocDockerManager::available() res ``` We can use the result of `available()` to extract what we need. In the example below, simply finding the details related to the `bioconductor_docker` image is shown. ```{r} res %>% select(IMAGE, DESCRIPTION, TAGS) %>% filter(IMAGE == "bioconductor_docker") ``` There is a simpler way to extract the same information though, with the help of the `pattern` argument. ```{r available2} res2 <- BiocDockerManager::available(pattern = "bioconductor_docker") res2 %>% select(IMAGE, DESCRIPTION, TAGS) ``` We can see that for the `bioconductor/bioconductor_docker` image the tags **`r res2 %>% select(TAGS)`** are available. Bioconductor also has a list of images which have been recently deprecated. These images can be obtained in the following way. ```{r deprecated, eval = TRUE} BiocDockerManager::available(deprecated=TRUE) %>% select(IMAGE, DESCRIPTION) ``` ## Help regarding Bioconductor images The custom help function takes users to the Bioconductor Docker help page. This provides easy access to the help page should they need it. The help page contains all the information needed on how to start up the `bioconductor/bioconductor_docker` image, and use it. ```{r help, eval = TRUE} if(do_it) { BiocDockerManager::help() } ``` ## Install or "pull" a docker image The `install()` function lets users download or pull new images on to their machine. This function comes in handy when users are trying to get a new `bioconductor_docker` image on their machine. The function pulls the image from **Dockerhub** which is always kept up to date. ```{r pull, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) { BiocDockerManager::install( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "latest" ) } ``` ## Installed images on local machine The `installed()` function allows the users to check which images are installed on their local machine. This is similar to checking with the docker command line function `docker images`. For this function to work you need to have the Docker engine running. ```{r installed, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) BiocDockerManager::installed() ``` You can also filter the list of installed images by providing the `repository` argument ```{r filter-installed, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) BiocDockerManager::installed( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker" ) ``` ## Image details Bioconductor developed and distributed images that have a required standard. Each Dockerfile which is built into an image, has `LABEL` fields which identify the maintainer, version, description, url and a few other entities. These `LABEL` fields serve a similar purpose to the DESCRIPTION file in a Bioconductor package. The following functions allow to query the Docker image for these `LABEL` identities. Since these functions are specific to Bioconductor Docker images, they will not work when given generic docker images. NOTE: These images need to be present on your local machine before you can query for the LABEL. ```{r label-maintainer, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) { ## Get version for the "latest" tag bioconductor image BiocDockerManager::maintainer( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "latest" ) ## The above functions works the same as BiocDockerManager::maintainer(tag = "latest") } ``` The version number of the Docker image is very informative as it tells us the Bioconductor version number in the `x.y` coordinates, and the `.z` informs us the version of the Dockerfile which is used to build the Docker image. ```{r label-version, eval = TRUE} if(do_it) { BiocDockerManager::version( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "latest" ) ## Get image version BiocDockerManager::version(tag = "latest") BiocDockerManager::version(tag = "devel") BiocDockerManager::version(tag = "RELEASE_3_10") } ``` ## Check validity of images It is always a good idea to check if the images you are running are the latest ones produced by Bioconductor and if they are up to date. The `valid()` function takes the **digest** of the docker image you have locally and the docker image hosted on Dockerhub to check if the digest SHA's match. If the docker image is not updated, you might want to `install()` the latest version of the Docker image. The function returns a tibble with the images that need to be updated. The tibble contains repository name and tag. ```{r valid, eval = TRUE} if(do_it) { BiocDockerManager::valid( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "latest" ) } ``` ## Dockerfile template for Bioconductor images This `use_dockerfile()` functionality is for people who want to contribute Docker images to the Bioconductor ecosystem. The function has side-effects where it creates a directory and populates it with a **Dockerfile** and **README.md**. The Dockerfile has fields which are required for the submission process of the Docker image. There are best practices and standards on how to contribute new docker images to Bioconductor. The following link has more information. http://bioconductor.org/help/docker/#contribute ```{r template, eval = FALSE} BiocDockerManager::use_dockerfile() ``` # Example Workflow We hope to provide functionality which is useful to R and Bioconductor Docker users in the form of an R package. The typical workflow would look like the following: First, you check the `available()` images. Then you `install()` a required image say **bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:devel**. ```{r workflow-1, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) { ## 1. Check available images BiocDockerManager::available() ## 2. Install a new image BiocDockerManager::install( repository = "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "devel" ) } ``` Once some time has passed and if you are not sure if you image is up to date, you have to check if the image is `valid()`. Then, `install()` an update if the validity check returns that it is out of date. Check the `version()` of the latest image to make sure you understand the consequences of updating. ```{r workflow-2, eval = TRUE} if (do_it) { ## 3. Check if image is valid BiocDockerManager::valid( "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "devel" ) ## 4. Download update to image BiocDockerManager::install( "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "devel" ) ## 5. Check version BiocDockerManager::version( "bioconductor/bioconductor_docker", tag = "devel" ) } ``` These are just general examples on how to use this package and it's functionality. # sessionInfo ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```