Changes in version 2.8.05 BUG FIXES - Fix error in mafSurvGroup while checking for mutants in geneSet. Added minMut argument to mitigate. Issue: 741 ENHANCEMENTS - Fix the order of features and added colors for the lines in forestPlot. Thanks @biosunsci PR: 761 - Added pwLineCol and pwLineWd for controlling the line color and line width around the pathways in oncoplot. Issue: 759 - Added ORthr and featureLvls arguments to plotEnrichmentResults. Issue: 715 - Added pseudoCountargument to MafCompare for avoiding Inf values in estimated OR. Issue: 718 - Added compressargument to write.mafSummary and now the output includes clinical data as well. Issue: 720 Changes in version 2.8.0 NEW FUNCTIONS - cancerhotspots Genotype known cancer hotspots from the tumor BAM file - bamreadcounts extract nucleotide counts for targeted variants from the BAM file. - maftools now natively loads TCGA cohorts. tcgaAvailable and tcgaLoad will display and load the desired cohorts. - Added MAF constructor function - Added maf2mae for converting MAF to MultiAssayExperiment class objects Issue: 640 293 Discussion: 285 - Added plotProtein and mafbarplot ENHANCEMENTS - Added protein domains for the gene ALMS1. Issue: 705 - Added titv_col argument to oncoplot. Issue: 702 - Added protein domains for the gene FAM205A. Issue: 701 - oncoplot can now summarize variant_classifications similar to cBioPortal style. Issue: 686 - Added pathway support for mafCompare() or clinicalEnrichment(). Issue: 681 - Added default title for side and topbar plots to oncoplot. Issue: 682 - Added annotationOrder argument to coOncoplot. Issue: 676 - Added plot argument to survGroup. Thank you OmarElAshkar PR: 674 - Added rmFlags argument to read.maf. Issue: 668 - Added path_order argument to oncoplot for custom ordering of pathways on oncoplot. - Added geneMar argument to coBarplot. Issue: 260 BUG FIXES - coOncoplot not allowing more than one additional feature. Issue: 675