Changes in version 2.27.0 BUG FIX o (2.27.1) Fix bug when selecting column GENEID. The mapping mapped both GENEID and ENTREZ_GENE to P_ENTREZGENE. When returning columsn used match to identify but would only pick up first match which was ENTREZ_GENE entry. Changes in version 1.2.0 PKG FEATURES o creates an object that talks directly to the web services at UniProt. As such, it provides access to a tremendous library of IDs etc. directly from UniProt. o When the package loads there will be acces to a object, this object has select, keys, cols and keytypes methods that behave the way these methods normally do for the other annotation packages. o One important difference from other packages is that the user must use the species method to set the species to their organism of choice (by default it is set for humans). This is because the web resource is too big to return values for all these species at the same time. Uniprot currently has support for over 21,000 different species. o Please see the manual pages and associated vignette for more detailed information about how to use this resource.