CHANGES IN VERSION 2.4.0 ------------------------ - added DESeq2 section to vignette intro - permit that users can now specifiy just a single PC for plotloadings() - improved ellipse functionality with addition of parameters ellipseType, ellipseLevel, and ellipseSegments - over-rides ggrepel's new default value for max.overlaps via introduction of maxoverlapsConnectors = 15 - user can now specify a direction for connectors via directionConnectors - removed labhjust and labvjust CHANGES IN VERSION 2.2.0 ------------------------ - added support to overlay variable loadings arrows on biplot - better positioning of PC labels in triangular pairs plot - added functionality to encircle groups of samples - added functionality to draw stat ellipses with confidence intervals - users can now add legend titles and these will be added by default CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0.0 ------------------------ - added parallelPCA function to perform Horn's parallel analysis, which chooses an ideal number of principal components to retain (courtesy Aaron Lun) - added findElbowPoint function, which finds the elbow point in the curve of variance explained and which can also be used to determine the number of principal components to retain (courtesy Aaron Lun) - user can now specify custom labels for points - fixed bug with singlecol parameter for biplot colouring everything black - added p-value adjustment for eigencorplot (aleighbrown) - eigencorplot now automatically converts non-numeric columns to numeric (aleighbrown) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ - added new function getLoadings, which returns component loadings