Changes in version 1.0.0 New Features - EWCE v1.0 on Bioconductor replaces the defunct EWCE v1.3.0 available on Bioconductor v3.5. - EWCE has been rendered scalable to the analysis of large datasets - drop_uninformative_genes() has been expanded to allow the utilisation of differential expression approaches - EWCE can now handle SingleCellExperiment (SCE) objects or other Ranged SummarizedExperiment (SE) data types and as input as well as the original format, described as a single cell transcriptome (SCT) object. Deprecated & Defunct - The following functions have been renamed to use underscore in compliance with Bioconductor nomenclature: check.ewce.genelist.inputs cell.list.dist bootstrap.enrichment.test bin.specificity.into.quantiles bin.columns.into.quantiles prep.dendro get.celltype.table calculate.specificity.for.level calculate.meanexp.for.level generate.bootstrap.plots generate.bootstrap.plots.for.transcriptome fix.bad.mgi.symbols fix.bad.hgnc.symbols filter.genes.without.1to1.homolog ewce.plot drop.uninformative.genes