CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.15 -------------------------- - Development version. - Adding 'level' parameter to perform groupGO analysis in getGroupGO function. - Adding getEnrich function. - Adding enrichPlot and heatPlot function. - Adding RIFPlot function. - Adding diffusion function. - Adding CircosTargets function. - Fix netGOTFPlot function bugs. - Updated vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.16 -------------------------- - Development version. - Fix netGOTFPlot dependencies and add the label size parameter. - Update vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.17 -------------------------- - Updating citation. - Adding CITATION file. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.18 -------------------------- - Fix SmearPlot bugs. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.19 -------------------------- - Fix netGOTFPlot, RIFPlot and densityPlot functions - Fix warning messages when ploting with ggplot2 package (densityPlot, enrichPlot, histPlot, RIFPlot, SmearPlot) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.2 -------------------------- - Fix netConditionsPlot function bugs CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.3 -------------------------- - Fix netConditionsPlot function bug related to factors in data.frame CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.5 -------------------------- - Update CITATION