## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) ## ----getPackage, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # # if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages('BiocManager') # # BiocManager::install('RegParallel') # ## ----getPackageDevel, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # devtools::install_github('kevinblighe/RegParallel') # ## ----Load, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(RegParallel) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(airway) library(magrittr) data('airway') airway$dex %<>% relevel('untrt') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(DESeq2) dds <- DESeqDataSet(airway, design = ~ dex + cell) dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior = FALSE) rldexpr <- assay(rlog(dds, blind = FALSE)) rlddata <- data.frame(colData(airway), t(rldexpr)) ## ----glmParallel1, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE---------------------------------- # # ## NOT RUN # # res1 <- RegParallel( # data = rlddata[ ,1:3000], # formula = 'dex ~ [*]', # FUN = function(formula, data) # glm(formula = formula, # data = data, # family = binomial(link = 'logit')), # FUNtype = 'glm', # variables = colnames(rlddata)[10:3000]) # # res1[order(res1$P, decreasing=FALSE),] # ## ----lmParallel1-------------------------------------------------------------- rlddata <- rlddata[ ,1:2000] res2 <- RegParallel( data = rlddata, formula = '[*] ~ cell', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = colnames(rlddata)[10:ncol(rlddata)], p.adjust = "none") res3 <- RegParallel( data = rlddata, formula = '[*] ~ cell', FUN = function(formula, data) lm(formula = formula, data = data), FUNtype = 'lm', variables = colnames(rlddata)[10:ncol(rlddata)], p.adjust = "none") subset(res2, P<0.05) subset(res3, P<0.05) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- rm(dds, rlddata, rldexpr, airway) ## ----coxphParallel1----------------------------------------------------------- library(Biobase) library(GEOquery) # load series and platform data from GEO gset <- getGEO('GSE2990', GSEMatrix =TRUE, getGPL=FALSE) x <- exprs(gset[[1]]) # remove Affymetrix control probes x <- x[-grep('^AFFX', rownames(x)),] # transform the expression data to Z scores x <- t(scale(t(x))) # extract information of interest from the phenotype data (pdata) idx <- which(colnames(pData(gset[[1]])) %in% c('age:ch1', 'distant rfs:ch1', 'er:ch1', 'ggi:ch1', 'grade:ch1', 'node:ch1', 'size:ch1', 'time rfs:ch1')) metadata <- data.frame(pData(gset[[1]])[,idx], row.names = rownames(pData(gset[[1]]))) # remove samples from the pdata that have any NA value discard <- apply(metadata, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))) metadata <- metadata[!discard,] # filter the Z-scores expression data to match the samples in our pdata x <- x[,which(colnames(x) %in% rownames(metadata))] # check that sample names match exactly between pdata and Z-scores all((colnames(x) == rownames(metadata)) == TRUE) # create a merged pdata and Z-scores object coxdata <- data.frame(metadata, t(x)) # tidy column names colnames(coxdata)[1:8] <- c('Age', 'Distant.RFS', 'ER', 'GGI', 'Grade', 'Node', 'Size', 'Time.RFS') # prepare certain phenotypes coxdata$Age <- as.numeric(gsub('^KJ', '', coxdata$Age)) coxdata$Distant.RFS <- as.numeric(coxdata$Distant.RFS) coxdata$ER <- factor(coxdata$ER, levels = c(0, 1)) coxdata$Grade <- factor(coxdata$Grade, levels = c(1, 2, 3)) coxdata$Time.RFS <- as.numeric(gsub('^KJX|^KJ', '', coxdata$Time.RFS)) ## ----coxphParallel2----------------------------------------------------------- library(survival) res5 <- RegParallel( data = coxdata, formula = 'Surv(Time.RFS, Distant.RFS) ~ [*]', FUN = function(formula, data) coxph(formula = formula, data = data, ties = 'breslow', singular.ok = TRUE), FUNtype = 'coxph', variables = colnames(coxdata)[9:ncol(coxdata)], blocksize = 2000, p.adjust = "BH") res5 <- res5[!is.na(res5$P),] res5 ## ----coxphParallel3, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # res5 <- res5[order(res5$LogRank, decreasing = FALSE),] # final <- subset(res5, LogRank < 0.01) # probes <- gsub('^X', '', final$Variable) # library(biomaRt) # mart <- useMart('ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL', host = 'useast.ensembl.org') # mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart) # annotLookup <- getBM(mart = mart, # attributes = c('affy_hg_u133a', # 'ensembl_gene_id', # 'gene_biotype', # 'external_gene_name'), # filter = 'affy_hg_u133a', # values = probes, # uniqueRows = TRUE) ## ----coxphParallel4----------------------------------------------------------- # extract RFS and probe data for downstream analysis survplotdata <- coxdata[,c('Time.RFS', 'Distant.RFS', 'X203666_at', 'X205680_at')] colnames(survplotdata) <- c('Time.RFS', 'Distant.RFS', 'CXCL12', 'MMP10') # set Z-scale cut-offs for high and low expression highExpr <- 1.0 lowExpr <- 1.0 # encode the expression for CXCL12 and MMP10 as low, mid, and high survplotdata$CXCL12 <- ifelse(survplotdata$CXCL12 >= highExpr, 'High', ifelse(x <= lowExpr, 'Low', 'Mid')) survplotdata$MMP10 <- ifelse(survplotdata$MMP10 >= highExpr, 'High', ifelse(x <= lowExpr, 'Low', 'Mid')) # relevel the factors to have mid as the reference level survplotdata$CXCL12 <- factor(survplotdata$CXCL12, levels = c('Mid', 'Low', 'High')) survplotdata$MMP10 <- factor(survplotdata$MMP10, levels = c('Mid', 'Low', 'High')) ## ----coxphParallel5, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 6, fig.cap = "Survival analysis via Cox Proportional Hazards regression."---- library(survminer) ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(Time.RFS, Distant.RFS) ~ CXCL12, data = survplotdata), data = survplotdata, risk.table = TRUE, pval = TRUE, break.time.by = 500, ggtheme = theme_minimal(), risk.table.y.text.col = TRUE, risk.table.y.text = FALSE) ggsurvplot(survfit(Surv(Time.RFS, Distant.RFS) ~ MMP10, data = survplotdata), data = survplotdata, risk.table = TRUE, pval = TRUE, break.time.by = 500, ggtheme = theme_minimal(), risk.table.y.text.col = TRUE, risk.table.y.text = FALSE) ## ----clogitParallel1---------------------------------------------------------- x <- exprs(gset[[1]]) x <- x[-grep('^AFFX', rownames(x)),] x <- scale(x) x <- x[,which(colnames(x) %in% rownames(metadata))] coxdata <- data.frame(metadata, t(x)) colnames(coxdata)[1:8] <- c('Age', 'Distant.RFS', 'ER', 'GGI', 'Grade', 'Node', 'Size', 'Time.RFS') coxdata$Age <- as.numeric(gsub('^KJ', '', coxdata$Age)) coxdata$Grade <- factor(coxdata$Grade, levels = c(1, 2, 3)) coxdata$ER <- as.numeric(coxdata$ER) coxdata <- coxdata[!is.na(coxdata$ER),] res6 <- RegParallel( data = coxdata, formula = 'ER ~ [*] + Age + strata(Grade)', FUN = function(formula, data) clogit(formula = formula, data = data, method = 'breslow'), FUNtype = 'clogit', variables = colnames(coxdata)[9:ncol(coxdata)], blocksize = 2000) subset(res6, P < 0.01) ## ----clogitParallel2, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # getBM(mart = mart, # attributes = c('affy_hg_u133a', # 'ensembl_gene_id', # 'gene_biotype', # 'external_gene_name'), # filter = 'affy_hg_u133a', # values = c('204667_at', # '205225_at', # '207813_s_at', # '212108_at', # '219497_s_at'), # uniqueRows=TRUE) # ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- rm(coxdata, x, gset, survplotdata, highExpr, lowExpr, annotLookup, mart, final, probes, idx) gc() ## ----speedup1----------------------------------------------------------------- options(scipen=10) options(digits=6) # create a data-matrix of 20 x 60000 (rows x cols) random numbers col <- 60000 row <- 20 mat <- matrix( rexp(col*row, rate = .1), ncol = col) # add fake gene and sample names colnames(mat) <- paste0('gene', 1:ncol(mat)) rownames(mat) <- paste0('sample', 1:nrow(mat)) # add some fake metadata modelling <- data.frame( cell = rep(c('B', 'T'), nrow(mat) / 2), group = c(rep(c('treatment'), nrow(mat) / 2), rep(c('control'), nrow(mat) / 2)), dosage = t(data.frame(matrix(rexp(row, rate = 1), ncol = row))), mat, row.names = rownames(mat)) ## ----speedup2----------------------------------------------------------------- df <- modelling[ ,1:2000] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] ptm <- proc.time() res <- RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 500, cores = 2, nestedParallel = TRUE, p.adjust = "BY") proc.time() - ptm ## ----speedup3----------------------------------------------------------------- df <- modelling[ ,1:2000] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] ptm <- proc.time() res <- RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 500, cores = 2, nestedParallel = FALSE, p.adjust = "BY") proc.time() - ptm ## ----speedup4----------------------------------------------------------------- df <- modelling[ ,1:40000] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] system.time(RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 2000, cores = 2, nestedParallel = TRUE)) ## ----speedup5----------------------------------------------------------------- df <- modelling[,1:40000] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] system.time(RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 2000, cores = 2, nestedParallel = FALSE)) ## ----speedup6----------------------------------------------------------------- df <- modelling[,1:40000] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] system.time(RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 5000, cores = 3, nestedParallel = TRUE)) ## ----confint------------------------------------------------------------------ df <- modelling[ ,1:500] variables <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] # 99% confidfence intervals RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 150, cores = 3, nestedParallel = TRUE, conflevel = 99) # 95% confidfence intervals (default) RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 150, cores = 3, nestedParallel = TRUE, conflevel = 95) ## ----removeterms-------------------------------------------------------------- # remove terms but keep Intercept RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 150, cores = 3, nestedParallel = TRUE, conflevel = 95, excludeTerms = c('cell', 'dosage'), excludeIntercept = FALSE) # remove everything but the variable being tested RegParallel( data = df, formula = 'factor(group) ~ [*] + (cell:dosage) ^ 2', FUN = function(formula, data) glm(formula = formula, data = data, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), method = 'glm.fit'), FUNtype = 'glm', variables = variables, blocksize = 150, cores = 3, nestedParallel = TRUE, conflevel = 95, excludeTerms = c('cell', 'dosage'), excludeIntercept = TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()