## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) library(BiocStyle) ## ---- eval=!exists("SCREENSHOT"), include=FALSE------------------------------- SCREENSHOT <- function(x, ...) knitr::include_graphics(x) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(iSEEu) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(airway) data(airway) library(edgeR) y <- DGEList(assay(airway), samples=colData(airway)) y <- y[filterByExpr(y, group=y$samples$dex),] y <- calcNormFactors(y) design <- model.matrix(~dex, y$samples) y <- estimateDisp(y, design) fit <- glmQLFit(y, design) res <- glmQLFTest(fit, coef=2) tab <- topTags(res, n=Inf)$table rowData(airway) <- cbind(rowData(airway), tab[rownames(airway),]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ma.panel <- MAPlot(PanelWidth=6L) app <- iSEE(airway, initial=list(ma.panel)) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOT("screenshots/ma.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vol.panel <- VolcanoPlot(PanelWidth=6L) app <- iSEE(airway, initial=list(vol.panel)) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOT("screenshots/volcano.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(scRNAseq) sce <- ReprocessedAllenData(assays="tophat_counts") library(scater) sce <- logNormCounts(sce, exprs_values="tophat_counts") sce <- runPCA(sce, ncomponents=4) sce <- runTSNE(sce) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Receives a selection from a reduced dimension plot. dyn.panel <- DynamicReducedDimensionPlot(Type="UMAP", Assay="logcounts", ColumnSelectionSource="ReducedDimensionPlot1", PanelWidth=6L) # NOTE: users do not have to manually create this, just # copy it from the "Panel Settings" of an already open app. red.panel <- ReducedDimensionPlot(PanelId=1L, PanelWidth=6L, BrushData = list( xmin = -45.943, xmax = -15.399, ymin = -58.560, ymax = 49.701, coords_css = list(xmin = 51.009, xmax = 165.009, ymin = 39.009, ymax = 422.009), coords_img = list(xmin = 66.313, xmax = 214.514, ymin = 50.712, ymax = 548.612), img_css_ratio = list(x = 1.300, y = 1.299), mapping = list(x = "X", y = "Y"), domain = list(left = -49.101, right = 57.228, bottom = -70.389, top = 53.519), range = list(left = 50.986, right = 566.922, bottom = 603.013, top = 33.155), log = list(x = NULL, y = NULL), direction = "xy", brushId = "ReducedDimensionPlot1_Brush", outputId = "ReducedDimensionPlot1" ) ) app <- iSEE(sce, initial=list(red.panel, dyn.panel)) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOT("screenshots/dynreddim.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff.panel <- DifferentialStatisticsTable(PanelWidth=8L, Assay="logcounts", ColumnSelectionSource="ReducedDimensionPlot1",) # Recycling the reduced dimension panel above, adding a saved selection to # compare to the active selection. red.panel[["SelectionHistory"]] <- list( BrushData = list( xmin = 15.143, xmax = 57.228, ymin = -40.752, ymax = 25.674, coords_css = list(xmin = 279.009, xmax = 436.089, ymin = 124.009, ymax = 359.009), coords_img = list(xmin = 362.716, xmax = 566.922, ymin = 161.212, ymax = 466.712), img_css_ratio = list(x = 1.300, y = 1.299), mapping = list(x = "X", y = "Y"), domain = list(left = -49.101, right = 57.228, bottom = -70.389, top = 53.519), range = list(left = 50.986, right = 566.922, bottom = 603.013, top = 33.155), log = list(x = NULL, y = NULL), direction = "xy", brushId = "ReducedDimensionPlot1_Brush", outputId = "ReducedDimensionPlot1" ) ) red.panel[["PanelWidth"]] <- 4L # To fit onto one line. app <- iSEE(sce, initial=list(red.panel, diff.panel)) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOT("screenshots/diffstat.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .setIdentifierType("ENSEMBL") gset.tab <- GeneSetTable(Selected="GO:0002576", Search="platelet", PanelWidth=6L) # This volcano plot will highlight the genes in the selected gene set. vol.panel <- VolcanoPlot(RowSelectionSource="GeneSetTable1", SelectionEffect="Color", PanelWidth=6L) app <- iSEE(airway, initial=list(gset.tab, vol.panel)) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOT("screenshots/geneset.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()