--- title: "Quick start of flowSpy" author: "Yuting Dai" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: prettydoc::html_pretty: highlight: github theme: cayman toc: yes pdf_document: toc: yes html_document: df_print: paged toc: yes package: flowSpy vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick_start} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ```{r echo = TRUE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, cache = FALSE, eval = TRUE, warning = TRUE, message = TRUE) ``` ## Note ---------------- Dear flowSpy users: To improve the identification of this package and avoid awkward duplication of names in some situations, we decided to change the name of `flowSpy` to `CytoTree`. The package name of `CytoTree` more fits the functional orientation of this software. The usage and update of `flowSpy` and `CytoTree` will be consistent until the end of Bioc 3.11. And for the 3.12 devel, flowSpy will be deprecated. The package `CytoTree` has been added to Bioconductor (https://bioconductor.org/packages/CytoTree/), we recommend that users can download this package and replace `flowSpy` as soon as possible. We apologized for the inconvenience. flowSpy team 2020-07-09 ---------------- ## Link to the tutorial See the quick start tutorial of flowSpy, please visit [Quick start of flowSpy](https://ytdai.github.io/flowSpy/Quick_start.html). See the basic tutorial of flowSpy, please visit [Tutorial of flowSpy](https://ytdai.github.io/flowSpy/basic.html). See time-course data analysis of flowSpy, please visit [Time-course workflow of flowSpy](https://ytdai.github.io/flowSpy/Time_course.html). ## Introduction Although multidimensional single-cell-based flow and mass cytometry have been increasingly applied to microenvironmental composition and stem-cell research, integrated analysis workflows to facilitate the interpretation of experimental cytometry data remain underdeveloped. We present flowSpy, a comprehensive R package designed for the analysis and interpretation of flow and mass cytometry data. We applied flowSpy to mass cytometry and time-course flow cytometry data to demonstrate the usage and practical utility of its computational modules. flowSpy is a reliable tool for multidimensional cytometry data workflows and produces compelling results for trajectory construction and pseudotime estimation. ## Overview of flowSpy workflow The flowSpy package is developed to complete the majority of standard analysis and visualization workflow for FCS data. In flowSpy workflow, an S4 object in R is built to implement the statistical and computational approach, and all computational modules are integrated into one single channel which only requires a specified input data format. `flowSpy` can help you to perform four main types of analysis: - **Clustering**. `flowSpy` can help you to discover and identify subtypes of cells. - **Dimensionality Reduction**. Several dimensionality reduction methods are provided in `flowSpy` package such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA), t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (tSNE), Diffusion Maps and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). flowSpy provides both cell-based and cluster-based dimensionality reduction. - **Trajectory Inference**. `flowSpy` can help you to construct the cellular differential based on minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm. - **Pseudotime and Intermediate states definition**. The root cells need to be defined by users. The trajctroy value will be calculated based on Shortest Path from root cells and leaf cells using R `igraph` package. Subset FCS data set in `flowSpy` and find the key intermediate cell states based on trajectory value.