## ----echo=FALSE, results='hide', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(dagLogo) library(biomaRt) library(UniProt.ws) library(motifStack) library(Biostrings) library(grDevices) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dagLogo) ## ----fetchSequences1, results='hide'------------------------------------------ ##just in case biomaRt server does not response if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence(IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorPos = as.character(dat$NCBI_site), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## ----fetchSequences2, results='hide'------------------------------------------ if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence(IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorAA = "*", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptide), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## ----fetchSequences3, results='hide'------------------------------------------ if(interactive()){ try({ dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides4dagLogo.csv", package = "dagLogo")) ## cleanup the data dat <- unique(cleanPeptides(dat, anchors = "s")) mart <- useMart("ensembl") human_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") seq <- fetchSequence(IDs = toupper(as.character(dat$symbol)), type = "hgnc_symbol", anchorAA = "s", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptides), mart = human_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## ----fetchSequences4---------------------------------------------------------- if(interactive()){ dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides4dagLogo.csv", package="dagLogo")) dat <- unique(cleanPeptides(dat, anchors = c("s", "t"))) mart <- useMart("ensembl", "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") seq <- fetchSequence(toupper(as.character(dat$symbol)), type="hgnc_symbol", anchorAA=as.character(dat$anchor), anchorPos=as.character(dat$peptides), mart=mart, upstreamOffset=7, downstreamOffset=7) head(seq@peptides) } ## ----formatSequence, results='hide'------------------------------------------- dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file("extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = F, as.is = TRUE)) ##prepare proteome from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ##prepare an object of dagPeptides seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15) ## ----prepareProteome0--------------------------------------------------------- if(interactive()){ proteome <- prepareProteome("UniProt", species = "Homo sapiens") } ## ----buildBackgroundModel----------------------------------------------------- bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher") bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest") ## ----testDAU------------------------------------------------------------------ ## no grouping t0 <- testDAU(seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest) ## grouping based on chemical properties of AAs. t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler_group") ## grouping based on the charge of AAs. t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "charge_group") ## grouping based on the consensus similarity. t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "consensus_similarity_SF_group") ## grouping based on the hydrophobicity. t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD") ## In addition, dagLogo allows users to use their own grouping ## Scheme. The following example shows how to supply a customized ## scheme. Please note that the user-supplied grouping is named ## as "custom_group" internally. ## Add a grouping scheme based on the level 3 of BLOSUM50 color = c(LVIMC = "#33FF00", AGSTP = "#CCFF00", FYW = '#00FF66', EDNQKRH = "#FF0066") symbol = c(LVIMC = "L", AGSTP = "A", FYW = "F", EDNQKRH = "E") group = list( LVIMC = c("L", "V", "I", "M", "C"), AGSTP = c("A", "G", "S", "T", "P"), FYW = c("F", "Y", "W"), EDNQKRH = c("E", "D", "N", "Q", "K", "R", "H")) addScheme(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = group) t5 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "custom_group") ## ----dagHeatmap,fig.cap="DAG heatmap",fig.width=8,fig.height=6---------------- ##Plot a heatmap to show the results dagHeatmap(t0) ## ----dagLogo0,fig.cap="ungrouped results",fig.width=8,fig.height=6------------ ## dagLogo showing differentially used AAs without grouping dagLogo(t0) ## ----dagLogo1,fig.cap="classic grouping",fig.width=8,fig.height=6------------- ## dagLogo showing AA grouped based on properties of individual a amino acid. dagLogo(t1, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t1@group), legend = TRUE) ## ----dagLogo2,fig.cap="grouped on charge",fig.width=8,fig.height=6------------ ## grouped on the basis of charge. dagLogo(t2, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t2@group), legend = TRUE) ## ----dagLogo3,fig.cap="grouped on chemical property",fig.width=8,fig.height=6---- ## grouped on the basis of consensus similarity. dagLogo(t3, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t3@group), legend = TRUE) ## ----dagLogo4,fig.cap="grouped on hydrophobicity",fig.width=8,fig.height=6---- ## grouped on the basis of hydrophobicity. dagLogo(t4, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t4@group), legend = TRUE) ## ----sessionInfo, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()