## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----load and examine data, include=TRUE-------------------------------------- library(MPRAnalyze) data("ChrEpi") summary(ce.colAnnot) head(ce.colAnnot) ## ----init object, include=TRUE------------------------------------------------ obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = ce.dnaCounts, rnaCounts = ce.rnaCounts, dnaAnnot = ce.colAnnot, rnaAnnot = ce.colAnnot, controls = ce.control) ## ----library size estimation-------------------------------------------------- ## If the library factors are different for the DNA and RNA data, separate ## estimation of these factors is needed. We can also change the estimation ## method (Upper quartile by default) obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = c("batch", "condition"), which.lib = "dna", depth.estimator = "uq") obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = c("condition"), which.lib = "rna", depth.estimator = "uq") ## In this case, the factors are the same - each combination of batch and ## condition is a single library, and we'll use the default estimation obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = c("batch", "condition"), which.lib = "both") ## ----quant model fit---------------------------------------------------------- obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj = obj, dnaDesign = ~ barcode + batch + condition, rnaDesign = ~ condition) ## ----quant extract and viz---------------------------------------------------- ##extract alpha values from the fitted model alpha <- getAlpha(obj, by.factor = "condition") ##visualize the estimates boxplot(alpha) ## ----quant test and viz------------------------------------------------------- ## test res.epi <- testEmpirical(obj = obj, statistic = alpha$MT) summary(res.epi) res.chr <- testEmpirical(obj = obj, statistic = alpha$WT) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(res.epi$pval.mad, main="episomal, all") hist(res.epi$pval.mad[ce.control], main="episomal, controls") hist(res.chr$pval.mad, main="chromosomal, all") hist(res.chr$pval.mad[ce.control], main="chromosomal, controls") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## ----comp fit----------------------------------------------------------------- obj <- analyzeComparative(obj = obj, dnaDesign = ~ barcode + batch + condition, rnaDesign = ~ condition, reducedDesign = ~ 1) ## ----comp lrt----------------------------------------------------------------- res <- testLrt(obj) head(res) summary(res) ## ----foldchange--------------------------------------------------------------- ## plot log Fold-Change plot(density(res$logFC)) ## plot volcano plot(res$logFC, -log10(res$pval))