## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------ BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval=TRUE) ## ----loadLibs, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------------------------- library(IONiseR) library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) ## ----readData, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # fast5files <- list.files(path = "/path/to/data/", pattern = ".fast5$", full.names = TRUE) # example.summary <- readFast5Summary( fast5files ) ## ----loadData----------------------------------------------------------------- library(minionSummaryData) data(s.typhi.rep1) ## ----exampleData-------------------------------------------------------------- s.typhi.rep1 ## ----extractData1, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------- baseCalled(s.typhi.rep1) ## ----extractData2, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------- baseCalled(s.typhi.rep1[1:2]) ## ----summaryPlots1, fig.height=5, fig.width=12.5, dev='png', warning=FALSE---- p1 <- plotReadAccumulation(s.typhi.rep1) p2 <- plotActiveChannels(s.typhi.rep1) grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----readCategories, fig.height=5, fig.width=12.5, dev='svg', warning=FALSE---- p1 <- plotReadCategoryCounts(s.typhi.rep1) p2 <- plotReadCategoryQuals(s.typhi.rep1) grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----summaryPlots2, fig.height=5, fig.width=12.5, dev='png', warning=FALSE---- p1 <- plotEventRate(s.typhi.rep1) p2 <- plotBaseProductionRate(s.typhi.rep1) grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----numReads, fig.height=4.8, fig.width=14.5, dev='svg', warning=FALSE------- p1 <- layoutPlot(s.typhi.rep1, attribute = "nreads") p2 <- layoutPlot(s.typhi.rep1, attribute = "kb") grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----heatmapExample, fig.height=4.8, fig.width=14.5, dev='svg', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- library(dplyr) read_count_2D <- baseCalled(s.typhi.rep1) %>% ## start with base called reads filter(strand == 'template') %>% ## keep template so we don't count things twice left_join(readInfo(s.typhi.rep1), by = 'id') %>% ## channel stored in @readInfo slot, match by id column group_by(channel) %>% ## group according to channel summarise(d2_count = length(which(full_2D == TRUE)), ## count those with full 2D status d2_prop = length(which(full_2D == TRUE)) / n()) ## divide by total count of reads from channel ## plot side-by-side p1 <- channelHeatmap(read_count_2D, zValue = 'd2_count') p2 <- channelHeatmap(read_count_2D, zValue = 'd2_prop') grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----channelActivity, fig.height=4.8, fig.width=10, dev='png', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- data(s.typhi.rep3, package = 'minionSummaryData') ## we will plot the median event signal for each read on z-axis z_scale = select(eventData(s.typhi.rep3), id, median_signal) channelActivityPlot( s.typhi.rep3, zScale = z_scale ) ## ----pentamerCorrelation, fig.height=5, fig.width=6.5, dev='png', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- plotKmerFrequencyCorrelation( s.typhi.rep3, only2D = FALSE ) ## ----combinedplots, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # p1 <- channelActivityPlot(dat, select(eventData(dat), id, median_signal)) # p2 <- plotKmerFrequencyCorrelation(dat) # grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2) ## ----writefastq, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------ library(ShortRead) writeFastq( fastq( s.typhi.rep1 ), file = tempfile() ) ## ----writefastq2-------------------------------------------------------------- writeFastq( fastq2D( s.typhi.rep1 ), file = tempfile() ) ## ----fast5toFastq------------------------------------------------------------- fast5files <- system.file('extdata', 'example.fast5', package = "IONiseR") fast5toFastq(files = fast5files, fileName = "test", outputDir = tempdir(), strand = 'all', ncores = 1) list.files(path = tempdir(), pattern = "*.fq.gz$")