## ----knitsetup, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, warning = TRUE, crop = FALSE) library("BiocStyle") ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # citation("BioCor") ## ----install, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("BioCor") ## ----github, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # library("devtools") # install_github("llrs/BioCor") ## ----preload, include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- library("BioCor") library("org.Hs.eg.db") library("reactome.db") ## ----load--------------------------------------------------------------------- library("BioCor") ## Load libraries with the data of the pathways library("org.Hs.eg.db") library("reactome.db") genesKegg <- as.list(org.Hs.egPATH) genesReact <- as.list(reactomeEXTID2PATHID) # Remove genes and pathways which are not from human pathways genesReact <- lapply(genesReact, function(x){ unique(grep("R-HSA-", x, value = TRUE)) }) genesReact <- genesReact[lengths(genesReact) >= 1] ## ----GSEABase, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # library("GSEABase") # paths2Genes <- geneIds(getGmt("/path/to/file.symbol.gmt", # geneIdType=SymbolIdentifier())) # # genes <- unlist(paths2Genes, use.names = FALSE) # pathways <- rep(names(paths2Genes), lengths(paths2Genes)) # genes2paths <- split(pathways, genes) # List of genes and the gene sets ## ----pathSim------------------------------------------------------------------ (paths <- sample(unique(unlist(genesReact)), 2)) pathSim(paths[1], paths[2], genesReact) (pathways <- sample(unique(unlist(genesReact)), 10)) mpathSim(pathways, genesReact) ## ----combineScores------------------------------------------------------------ sim <- mpathSim(pathways, genesReact) methodsCombineScores <- c("avg", "max", "rcmax", "rcmax.avg", "BMA", "reciprocal") sapply(methodsCombineScores, BioCor::combineScores, scores = sim) ## ----geneSim------------------------------------------------------------------ geneSim("672", "675", genesKegg) geneSim("672", "675", genesReact) mgeneSim(c("BRCA1" = "672", "BRCA2" = "675", "NAT2" = "10"), genesKegg) mgeneSim(c("BRCA1" = "672", "BRCA2" = "675", "NAT2" = "10"), genesReact) ## ----clusterSim--------------------------------------------------------------- clusterSim(c("672", "675"), c("100", "10", "1"), genesKegg) clusterSim(c("672", "675"), c("100", "10", "1"), genesKegg, NULL) clusters <- list(cluster1 = c("672", "675"), cluster2 = c("100", "10", "1"), cluster3 = c("18", "10", "83")) mclusterSim(clusters, genesKegg, "rcmax.avg") mclusterSim(clusters, genesKegg, "max") ## ----clusterGeneSim----------------------------------------------------------- clusterGeneSim(c("672", "675"), c("100", "10", "1"), genesKegg) clusterGeneSim(c("672", "675"), c("100", "10", "1"), genesKegg, "max") mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genesKegg, c("max", "rcmax.avg")) mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genesKegg, c("max", "max")) ## ----sims--------------------------------------------------------------------- D2J(sim) ## ----whole_db, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # ## Omit those genes without a pathway # nas <- sapply(genesKegg, function(y){all(is.na(y)) | is.null(y)}) # genesKegg2 <- genesKegg[!nas] # m <- mgeneSim(names(genesKegg2), genesKegg2, method = "max") ## ----whole_db2, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # sim <- AintoB(m, B) ## ----hclust1, fig.cap="Gene clustering by similarities", fig.wide = TRUE------ genes.id <- c("10", "15", "16", "18", "2", "9", "52", "3855", "3880", "644", "81327", "9128", "2073", "2893", "5142", "60", "210", "81", "1352", "88", "672", "675") genes.id <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = genes.id, keytype = "ENTREZID", column = "SYMBOL") genes <- names(genes.id) names(genes) <- genes.id react <- mgeneSim(genes, genesReact) ## We remove genes which are not in list (hence the warning): nan <- genes %in% names(genesReact) react <- react[nan, nan] hc <- hclust(as.dist(1 - react)) plot(hc, main = "Similarities between genes") ## ----hclust3, fig.cap="Clustering using clusterSim", fig.wide = TRUE---------- mycl <- cutree(hc, h = 0.2) clusters <- split(genes[nan], as.factor(mycl)) # Removing clusters of just one gene (clusters <- clusters[lengths(clusters) >= 2]) names(clusters) <- paste0("cluster", names(clusters)) ## Remember we can use two methods to compare clusters sim_clus1 <- mclusterSim(clusters, genesReact) plot(hclust(as.dist(1 - sim_clus1)), main = "Similarities between clusters by pathways") ## ----hclust3b, fig.cap="Clustering using clusterGeneSim", fig.wide = TRUE----- sim_clus2 <- mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genesReact) plot(hclust(as.dist(1 - sim_clus2)), main ="Similarities between clusters by genes") ## ----GOSemSim----------------------------------------------------------------- hsGO <- GOSemSim::godata('org.Hs.eg.db', ont = "BP", computeIC = FALSE) ## ----geneSimGOSemSim---------------------------------------------------------- goSemSim <- GOSemSim::geneSim("241", "251", semData = hsGO, measure = "Wang", combine="BMA") # In case it is null sim <- ifelse(is.na(goSemSim), 0, getElement(goSemSim, "geneSim")) BioCor::geneSim("241", "251", genesReact, "BMA") - sim genes <- c("835", "5261","241", "994") goSemSim <- GOSemSim::mgeneSim(genes, semData = hsGO, measure = "Wang", combine = "BMA", verbose = FALSE, drop = NULL) BioCor::mgeneSim(genes, genesReact, "BMA", round = TRUE) - goSemSim ## ----named-------------------------------------------------------------------- genes <- c("CDC45", "MCM10", "CDC20", "NMU", "MMP1") genese <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = genes, column = "ENTREZID", keytype = "SYMBOL") BioCor::mgeneSim(genese, genesReact, "BMA") ## ----clusterSimGOSemSim------------------------------------------------------- gs1 <- c("835", "5261","241", "994", "514", "533") gs2 <- c("578","582", "400", "409", "411") BioCor::clusterSim(gs1, gs2, genesReact, "BMA") - GOSemSim::clusterSim(gs1, gs2, hsGO, measure = "Wang", combine = "BMA") x <- org.Hs.egGO hsEG <- mappedkeys(x) set.seed(123) (clusters <- list(a=sample(hsEG, 20), b=sample(hsEG, 20), c=sample(hsEG, 20))) BioCor::mclusterSim(clusters, genesReact, "BMA") - GOSemSim::mclusterSim(clusters, hsGO, measure = "Wang", combine = "BMA") ## ----wgcna, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # expr.sim <- WGCNA::cor(expr) # or bicor # # ## Combine the similarities # similarity <- similarities(c(list(exp = expr.sim), sim), mean, na.rm = TRUE) # # ## Choose the softThreshold # pSFT <- pickSoftThreshold.fromSimilarity(similarity) # # ## Or any other function we want # adjacency <- adjacency.fromSimilarity(similarity, power = pSFT$powerEstimate) # # ## Once we have the similarities we can calculate the TOM with TOM # TOM <- TOMsimilarity(adjacency) ## Requires adjacencies despite its name # dissTOM <- 1 - TOM # geneTree <- hclust(as.dist(dissTOM), method = "average") # ## We can use a clustering tool to group the genes # dynamicMods <- cutreeHybrid(dendro = geneTree, distM = dissTOM, # deepSplit = 2, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, # minClusterSize = 30) # moduleColors <- labels2colors(dynamicMods$labels) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : # trying to get slot "geneAnno" from an object of a basic class ("list") with no slots ## ----session, code_folding = FALSE-------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()