Changes in version 0.99.0 (2019-02-28)
+ Submitted to Bioconductor

Changes in version 0.99.1 (2019-02-28)
+ Closed connections after finishing with them

Changes in version 0.99.2 (2019-02-28)
+ Removed extra code

Changes in version 0.99.3 (2019-04-03)
+ Corrected NEWS
+ added vignette description

Changes in version 0.99.4 (2019-04-08)
+ updated vignette
+ added filtering options to R Shiny app

Changes in version 0.99.6 (2019-04-11)
+ corrected documentation

Changes in version 0.99.7 (2019-04-15)
+ corrected author list format

Changes in version 0.99.8 (2019-04-15)
+ corrected author list format

Changes in version 0.99.9 (2019-04-15)
+ separated Shiny app

Changes in version 0.99.10 (2019-04-15)
+ added types of data

Changes in version 0.99.11 (2019-04-15)
+ updated manual

Changes in version 0.99.12 (2019-04-15)
+ updated manual

Changes in version 0.99.13 (2019-04-16)
+ addressed description issues

Changes in version 0.99.14 (2019-04-16)
+ renamed merge function and changed method of describing input type

Changes in version 0.99.15 (2019-04-17)
+ renamed LD function and changed added column name specification

Changes in version 0.99.16 (2019-04-18)
+ updated SNP function and added rtracklayer dependency

Changes in version 0.99.17 (2019-04-18)
+ updated pathways functions to reflect changes across other methods

Changes in version 0.99.18 (2019-04-22)
+ documentation updates and minor code clean-up

Changes in version 0.99.19 (2019-04-22)
+ bug fixes

Changes in version 0.99.19 (2019-04-24)
+ improvements to speed

Changes in version 1.2.1 (2019-12-17)
+ minor corrections to package based on original method

Changes in version 1.2.3 (2020-02-27)
+ added correct citation after paper publication

Changes in version 1.2.4 (2020-03-04)
+ brought code in line with documentation

Changes in version 1.2.5 (2020-03-10)
+ fixed an error in loading large annotations

Changes in version 1.2.6 (2020-03-11)
+ fixed a warning in plot_pathways

Changes in version 1.2.7 (2020-03-11)
+ brought documentation in line with code

Changes in version 1.2.8 (2020-03-16)
+ fixed warnings from missing documentation

Changes in version 1.4.1 (2020-04-30)
+ bug fixes and new minimum R version

Changes in version 1.4.3 (2020-07-28)
+ fixed an issue with reported marker names in gene output