<html> <bodY> <h1>NetKernel Standard Edition 6.2.1</h1> <h2>NetKernel Installation Guide</h2> <p> This guide describes how to download, install, and run 1060<registered/> NetKernel <sup>TM</sup>. </p> <p> <i>System requirements:</i> To run NetKernel you must have a computer and operating system capable of running Java 8. </p> <p> Please consult the NetKernel forum topic focused on <a href="http://www.1060.org/forum/index/5">installation issues</a> for up to date information or for assistance. </p> <p> The installation process takes less than a minute, requires zero-configuration and once installed a simple web-based user interface makes getting started easy. </p> <h3>Download</h3> <p> First, download and install Java on your operating system. You will need Java version 8 or later. Check with your operating system vendor or the Java <a href="http://java.sun.com">web site</a>. Verify which version of Java you have by running the following command: "java -version" </p> <p> Next, <a href="http://download.netkernel.org/nkse/">download NetKernel</a> from the 1060 Research web site. </p> <h2>Installation</h2> <p> The NetKernel download is a bootable Jar file. </p> <p> In the directory where you downloaded <code>1060-NetKernel-SE-xxx.jar</code> either double-click the jar file or at a command prompt type: </p> <pre>java -jar 1060-NetKernel-SE-x.x.x.jar</pre> <p> Like a Linux Live-CD, NetKernel boots directly from the Jar and is fully useable. When NetKernel has started point your web-browser to: </p> <p> <a href="http://localhost:1060">http://localhost:1060</a> </p> <p> You can explore NetKernel before rolling the distribution out to disk. The "Install" panel in the control panel provides a self-installer. Follow the prompts to have NetKernel install itself to your disk. </p> <h2>Booting NetKernel after Install</h2> <p> To boot NetKernel go to the install directory you chose at installation (in the documentation this is given the shorthand [install] ). Type the following at the command line: <pre> bin/netkernel.sh [Linux/Unix] bin\netkernel.bat [Windows] </pre> To access the NetKernel admin control panel again go to... <a href="http://localhost:1060/"><b>http://localhost:1060/</b></a> </p> </body> </html>