<h1>NetKernel Standard Edition 4.0.0 Release Candidate</h1>
<h2>NetKernel Installation Guide</h2>
This guide describes how to download, install, and run 1060<registered/>
NetKernel <sup>TM</sup>.
	<i>System requirements:</i>
	To run NetKernel you must have a computer and operating system
	capable of running Java 1.5 or 1.6.
	NetKernel is platform neutral and has been deployed successfully on Windows 2000,
	Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Apple Mac OS X,
	Linux (Redhat, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu) and Solaris.
	Please consult the NetKernel forum topic focused on
	<a href="http://www.1060.org/forum/index/5">installation issues</a>
	for up to date information or for assistance.
The installation process takes less than a minute, requires zero-configuration
and once installed a simple web-based user interface makes getting started easy.

First, download and install Java on your operating system.
You will need Java version 1.5.x or later.

Check with your operating system vendor or Sun's Java
<a href="http://java.sun.com">web site</a>.

Verify which version of Java you have by running the following
command: "java -version"

	<a href="http://download.1060.org">download NetKernel</a>
	from the 1060 Research web site.
	The NetKernel download is a bootable Jar file.
	In the directory where you downloaded <code>1060-NetKernel-SE-xxx.jar</code>
	either double-click the jar file or at a command prompt type:
<pre>java -jar 1060-NetKernel-SE-x.x.x.jar</pre>
Like a Linux Live-CD, NetKernel boots directly from the Jar and is fully useable. When NetKernel has started
point your web-browser to:
<a href="http://localhost:1060">http://localhost:1060</a>
You can explore NetKernel before rolling the distribution out to disk.

The "Install" panel in the control panel provides a self-installer.  Follow the
prompts to have NetKernel install itself to your disk.
<h2>Booting NetKernel after Install</h2>
To boot NetKernel go to the install
directory you chose at installation (in the
documentation this is given the shorthand [install] ).

Type the following at the command line:

bin/netkernel.sh    [Linux/Unix]
bin\netkernel.bat [Windows]
To access the NetKernel admin control panel again go to...
<a href="http://localhost:1060/"><b>http://localhost:1060/</b></a>