This is the latest xpm (version 3.4c) DLL image/source release for linux. The DLL version numbering is WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING This library is NOT backward compatable with version Therefore you should NOT delete the previous version until you are 100% sure none of your binaries it. WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING It may be found at Site: Dir: /pub/Linux/libs (or /pub/Linux/Incoming temporarily) File: libXpm-3.4c.tar.gz The changes from xpm-3.4b -> xpm-3.4c are noted below. Mitch ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**************************************************************************\ * * * HISTORY of user-visible changes * * * \**************************************************************************/ 3.4c (94/06/06) Yes, this is kind of quick. But this is because no code has been modified, this is just a new packaging to make the whole stuff more suitable to the MIT's requests for inclusion in the R6 contrib. ENHANCEMENTS: - Several filenames were too long to fit without any conflict on DOS and CD-ROM filesystems. They have been renamed. - Imakefiles use XCOMM for comments instead of the # character. - the Postcript documentation file doc/ is now distributed as doc/xpm.PS.gz and allows browsing with tools such as ghostview. - Besides, parts of lib/misc.c have been moved to several new files, and some functions of data.c have been moved to other files in order to get a better link profile. - I've also added a FAQ hoping this will prevent people from continuously filling my mailbox with the same questions. - sxpm.c includes instead of "xpm.h" and BUILDINCTOP is used in Makefiles as expected. - Everything can be done simply using "xmkmf -a" and "make".