EXTENDED COMMANDS :help COMMAND give help on specific command :q! quit nn without updating .newsrc :x quit nn, mark current group as read :! SHELL-COMMAND execute SHELL-COMMAND w/o screen redraw. :admin enter administration mode :bug send a bug report :cd [DIR] change working directory to DIR :compile compile & reload kill file :coredump abort with a core dump :cost show current accounting figures :decode decode uuencoded article(s) :define N ... end define macro N :local VARIABLE [VALUE] make VARIABLE local to current group [and set to VALUE] :man read online manual :map MODE KEY COMMAND remap key or command (use ':help map' for more info) :mkdir [DIR] create directory DIR (will prompt for DIR if omitted) :print print article :pwd print current directory :rmail read incoming mail (no update) :set VARIABLE [VALUE] set or unset variable (use ':help set' for more info) :show groups HOW show group subscriptions etc. :show kill show kill file entries for current group :show map [MAP] show key mappings (MAP = #, key, menu, show) :show rc [GROUP] show (current) GROUPS .newsrc entry :sort [MODE] sort menu according to subject, age, or arrival :toggle VARIABLE toggle boolean variable :unread (N) mark current group as unread (last N articles) :unset VARIABLE clear variable :unshar unshar article(s)