From the desk of Patrick Volkerding, Mon Aug 7 16:08:08 CDT 2006. Hello, Some people have reported problems with the newer style udev, and I've seen some myself. However, newer kernels are about to require a very recent udev so it was time to upgrade to the latest, in spite of the possible pain. One issue that's being reported is that udev sometimes chooses a different module that would be desired. In those cases, add the module that you don't want to the blacklist (with udev-096 or higher this would be /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist), and then edit /etc/rc.d/rc.modules to load the module that you want. In some cases where you want to run udev it might be easier to run one of these old versions than to fight with it. Feel free to try them if you run into problems with the latest. Just "upgrade" to one of these with upgradepkg, copy rc.S and rc.M over the ones in /etc/rc.d/, and finally go into /etc/rc.d and move to rc.udev (and make sure that it is executable). Also, check to make sure that there aren't new config or rules files that need to be moved into place. You can find these with: find /etc -name "*.new" Good luck! :-) Pat