% TEX-PROGRAM: PDFLATEX % TIPO DE DOCUMENTO \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,twoside,final]{article} % CODIFICACIÓN DE LA TIPOGRAFÍA \usepackage[T2C,T2B,T2A,LGR,TS1,T1]{fontenc} % TEXCOMP \usepackage[full]{textcomp} % Símbolos % TIPOGRAFÍAS \usepackage[mainfont,semibold,scosf]{ysabeau} % Sans \usepackage{hologo} % IDIOMA \usepackage[russian,greek,american]{babel} % PÁGINA \usepackage[margin=2.5cm,includehead=true,headsep=1.5cm]{geometry} % MICROTIPOGRAFÍA \usepackage[activate={true,nocompatibility}, final=true,babel=true,tracking=true,kerning=true,spacing=true, factor=1000,stretch=20,shrink=20]{microtype} \SetTracking{encoding=*,shape=sc}{30} %\DeclareMicrotypeSet*{smallcapsi} % Kerning versalitas itálicas %{encoding={TS1,T1},shape={sc*,si,scit}} % NUMEROS NOTAS AL PIE \let\oldfootnote\footnote \renewcommand\footnote[1]{% \oldfootnote{\hspace{.5mm}#1}} % ENCABEZADOS \usepackage[nocheck]{fancyhdr} % TABLAS \usepackage{longtable,booktabs} \usepackage[font=small]{caption} \usepackage{float} % LISTAS \usepackage{enumitem} % TABLA DE FUENTES \usepackage{fonttable} % GRÁFICOS \usepackage{graphicx} % ENLACES DINÁMICOS \usepackage[hyperindex=true,final=true,bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true, bookmarksopen=true,breaklinks=true,citecolor=black,colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black,urlcolor=black,pdftitle={The Ysabeau font package},pdfsubject={TeX},pdfauthor={Noel Merino Hernández},pdfkeywords={Typography Ysabeau Christian Thalmann LaTeX pdfLaTeX},pdfproducer={pdflatex 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/Debian)},pdfcreator={Noel Merino Hernández (muxkernel@gmail.com)}]{hyperref} \urlstyle{sf} \usepackage{hyperxmp} \hypersetup{ pdfcopyright={This document is provided as is, but without warranty, and is distributed under Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL), version 2.0 or later.}, pdflicenseurl={http://www.wtfpl.net/} } \title{The Ysabeau font\footnote{version font: 2.002} package} \author{Noel Merino Hernández \\ {\small \href{muxkernel@gmail.com}{muxkernel@gmail.com}}} % DOCUMENTO \begin{document} \maketitle \parindent=5mm \parskip=0mm \raggedbottom \begin{abstract} \noindent The Ysabeau font package provides \LaTeX\ support for traditional \TeX\ engines (\textsc{pdf}\TeX, dvips, an so on).\footnote{For shapes and weights, see \S~\ref{sec:shapes-and-weights}, page \pageref{sec:shapes-and-weights}.} For \hologo{XeTeX} and \hologo{LuaTeX} users, OpenType and TrueType fonts \emph{only} are provided to use with \texttt{fontspec} package. This package does not provide configuration files for those \TeX\ engines. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction}\label{sec:introduction} \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \fancyhead[CE,CO]{The Ysabeau font package} \fancyhead[LE,RO]{\thepage} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} On github, we can read: \begin{quote} Ysabeau is a free type family developed by Christian Thalmann (Catharsis Fonts). It combines the time-honored and supremely readable letterforms of the Garamond legacy with the clean crispness of a low-contrast sans serif, rendering it well suited for body copy as well as display. \end{quote} Ysabeau font was drawn from scratch by Christian Thalmann, using the comercial font editor Glyphs, but was distributed under \textsc{sil} open font license. Previously known as ``Eua de Garamond'', the typeface was later renamed after Ysabeau, the second wife of Claude Garamond (1499--1561). In the end, it's just another Garamond typeface in sans serif form. \section{Document license}\label{sec:document-license} This document is provided \emph{as is,} without warranty, and is distributed under \href{http://www.wtfpl.net}{Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (\textsc{wtfpl})}, version 2 or later. For a detailed information about this license, visit \url{http://www.wtfpl.net/about} \section{Interference with other packages} The Ysabeau font package load automatically the following packages: \texttt{fontenc, textcomp, xstring, ifthen, scalefnt, etoolbox, xkeyval, mweights} and \texttt{fontaxes}. If you want to pass some options a these packages, just do it \emph{before} to use the \texttt{Ysabeau} font package. Example: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[T2A,LGR,TS1,T1]{fontenc} % load before Ysabeau \usepackage[full]{textcomp} % load before Ysabeau \usepackage[osf,scosf]{ysabeau} \end{verbatim} \section{Usage}\label{sec:usage} Just add \verb|\usepackage{ysabeau}| at the preamble of your document. That's it! \section{Package options}\label{sec:package-options} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Package options} \begin{tabular}{@{}lll@{}} \toprule Option & Example or description & Render as \\ \midrule scale o scaled & \verb|\usepackage[scale=0.9]{ysabeau}| & {} \\ lining, lf or LF & it will use lining figures & \textlf{12345} \\ oldstyle, osf or OSF\textsu{*} & it will use oldstyle figures & \textosf{12345} \\ tabular, t or T & it will use tabular figures & \texttlf{12345} \\ proportional, p or P\textsu{*} & it will use proportional figures & {} \\ mainfont & it will use Ysabeau font (\verb|\rmfamily|) by default & {} \\ scosf & it will use oldstyle figures in small caps block & \textsc{12345} \\ black & it will use black font (\verb|\bfseries|) & \black{black} \\ extrabold & it will use extrabold font (\verb|\bfseries|) & \extrabold{extrabold} \\ bold\textsu{*} & it will use bold font (\verb|\bfseries|) & \bold{bold} \\ semibold & it will use semibold font (\verb|\bfseries|) & \semibold{semibold} \\ medium\textsu{1} & it will use medium font (\verb|\mdseries|) & {} \\ regular\textsu{*} & it will use regular font (\verb|\mdseries|) & regular \\ light & it will use light font (\verb|\mdseries|) & \light{light} \\ extralight & it will use extralight font (\verb|\mdseries|) & \extralight{extralight} \\ thin & it will use thin font (\verb|\mdseries|) & \thin{thin} \\ hairline & it will use hairline font (\verb|\mdseries|) & \hairline{hairline} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption*{* default.\hspace*{0.5em}\textsu{1} a bit heavier than regular.} \end{table} \section{Font encodings}\label{sec:font-encodings} %The following font encodings are provided: \textlf{QX, L7X, CS, LGR, T5, T4, TS3, T3, T2C, T2B, T2A, LY1, OT1, TS1} and \textlf{T1}. \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Font encodings} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \toprule Language & Encodings \\ \midrule Vietnamese & \textlf{T5} \\ African & \texttlf{T4} \\ \textsc{ipa} & \texttlf{TS3, T3} \\ Latin & \textlf{QX, CS, L7X, LY1, OT1, TS1, T1} \\ Cyrillic & \texttlf{T2C, T2B, T2A} \\ Greek & \texttlf{LGR} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Shapes and weights}\label{sec:shapes-and-weights} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Shapes} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \toprule Shape & Render as \\ \midrule n & Romans \\ it & \emph{Italics} \\ sw & \textsw{ct, fi, fl, rt, sp, \&, Q} \\ sc & \textsc{Small caps} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:shapes} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Weights} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \toprule Weight & Render as \\ \midrule Hairline & \hairline{Hairline} \\ Thin & \thin{Thin} \\ Extralight & \extralight{Extralight} \\ Light & \light{Light} \\ Regular & Regular \\ Medium\textsu{1} & {} \\ Semibold & \semibold{Semibold} \\ Bold & \bold{Bold} \\ Extrabold & \extrabold{Extrabold} \\ Black & \black{Black} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption*{\textsu{1} a bit heavier than regular.} \label{tab:weights} \end{table} \noindent The following commands and declarations (Table~\ref{tab:commands-for-weights}) are provided \emph{just} for local use (weights), regardless of the options chosen in the package. \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Commands and declarations for weights} \begin{tabular}{@{}llll@{}} \toprule Weight & Command & Declaration & Render as \\ \midrule Hairline & \verb|\hairline{}| & \verb|\hairlinefont | & {\hairlinefont Hairline} \\ Thin & \verb|\thin{}| & \verb|\thinfont | & {\thinfont Thin} \\ Extralight & \verb|\extralight{}| & \verb|\extralightfont | & {\extralightfont Extralight} \\ Light & \verb|\light{}| & \verb|\lightfont | & {\lightfont light} \\ Semibold & \verb|\semibold{}| & \verb|\semiboldfont | & {\semiboldfont Semibold} \\ Bold & \verb|\bold{}| & \verb|\bolfont | & {\boldfont Bold} \\ Extrabold & \verb|\extrabold{}| & \verb|\extraboldfont | & {\extraboldfont Extrabold} \\ Black & \verb|\black{}| & \verb|\blackfont | & {\blackfont Black} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:commands-for-weights} \end{table} \section{Figures}\label{sec:figures} See also package options (\S\,\ref{sec:package-options}, page~\pageref{sec:package-options}) for figures. The following commands and declarations (Table \ref{tab:figures}) are provided \emph{just} for local use, regardless of the options chosen in the package. \begin{table}[h] \centering \caption{Figures} \begin{tabular}{@{}llr@{}} \toprule Command & Declaration & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textlf{}| & \verb|\lfstyle| & {\lfstyle 1234567890} \\ \verb|\texttlf{}| & \verb|\tlfstyle| & {\tlfstyle 1234567890} \\ \verb|\textosf{}| & \verb|\osfstyle| & {\osfstyle 1234567890} \\ \verb|\texttosf{}| & \verb|\tosfstyle| & {\tosfstyle 1234567890} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:figures} \end{table} \subsection{Superiors}\label{subsec:superiors} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Superiors} \begin{tabular}{@{}llr@{}} \toprule Command & Declarations & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textsu{}| & \verb|\supfigures| or \verb|\supstyle| & \textsu{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsup{}| & \verb|\supfigures| or \verb|\supstyle| & \textsup{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsuperior{}| & \verb|\supfigures| or \verb|\supstyle| & \textsuperior{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsuperscript{}| & \verb|\supfigures| or \verb|\supstyle| & \textsuperscript{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsuperscript*{}| & {} & \textsuperscript*{1234567890} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Numerators}\label{subsec:numerators} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Numerators} \begin{tabular}{@{}llr@{}} \toprule Command & Declarations & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textnum{}| & \verb|\numfigures| or \verb|\numstyle| & \textnum{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textnumerators{}| & \verb|\numfigures| or \verb|\numstyle| & {\numstyle 1234567890} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Denominators}\label{subsec:denominators} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Denominators} \begin{tabular}{@{}llr@{}} \toprule Command & Declarations & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textde{}| & \verb|\denfigures| or \verb|\denstyle| & \textde{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textden{}| & \verb|\denfigures| or \verb|\denstyle| & \textden{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textdenominators{}| & \verb|\denfigures| or \verb|\denstyle| & \textdenominators{1234567890} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Inferiors}\label{subsec:inferiors} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Inferiors} \begin{tabular}{@{}llr@{}} \toprule Command & Declarations & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textinf{}| & \verb|\inffigures| or \verb|\infstyle| & \textinf{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textinferior{}| & \verb|\inffigures| or \verb|\infstyle| & \textinferior{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsubscript{}| & \verb|\inffigures| or \verb|\infstyle| & \textsubscript{1234567890} \\ \verb|\textsubscript*{}| & {} & \textsubscript*{1234567890} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Fractions}\label{sec:fractions} \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Fractions} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \toprule Command or declaration & Render as \\ \midrule \verb|\textfrac[]{}{}| & \textfrac[1]{1}{2} \\ \verb|\textfrac{}{}| & \phantom{0}\textfrac{1}{2} \\ \verb|\onequarter| & \phantom{0}\onequarter \\ \verb|\onehalf| & \phantom{0}\onehalf \\ \verb|\threequarters| & \phantom{0}\threequarters \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Concluding remarks}\label{sec:concluding-remarks} To use Ysabeau fonts, just add the line \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{ysabeau} \end{verbatim} at the preamble of your document. That's it. The Ysabeau fonts were created to Adobe PostScript (type1) using \texttt{otftotfm}; \LaTeX\ files support were created with \texttt{autoinst}, wrapper of \texttt{LCDF TypeTools} suite. This package would not exist without the help of Marc Penninga (\texttt{autoinst}) and Eddie Kohler (\texttt{LCDF TypeTools}). Thank you so much guys. The Ysabeau fonts are distributed under \textsc{sil} open font license, version 1.1. A verbatim of this license can be found in \texttt{doc} folder. The \LaTeX\ files support are Public Domain. This document is licensed under \href{http://www.wtfpl.net}{What The Fuck You Want To Public License (\textsc{wtfpl})}, version 2 or later. A verbatim of this license can be found in \texttt{doc} folder. For a detailed information about this license, visit \url{http://www.wtfpl.net/about} \section{Glyphs}\label{sec:glyphs} \subsection{QX} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-qx.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{L7X}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-l7x.tfm} \subsection{CS} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-cs.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{LGR}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-lgr.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T5}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t5.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T4}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t4.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{TS3}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-ts3.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T3}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t3.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T2C}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t2c.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T2B}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t2b.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T2A}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t2a.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{LY1}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-ly1.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{OT1}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-ot1.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{TS1}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-ts1.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T1}} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Regular-lf-t1.tfm} \subsection{\textlf{T1} (Swash)} \fonttable{Ysabeau-Italic-lf-swash-t1.tfm} \end{document}